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Yay! Finally chapter two! I hope you guys will enjoy it! I was going to upload On The Loose, but Niall took it down on Youtube for some reason :/

Happy Valentine's day, I guess I'll be single as Niall :(

^^ did you see the meme?


<<Niall's POV>>

<<Several Hours later>>

"Yo, bro! Watcha gettin' for lunch today?" Josh asked running up to me as I was walking, his tanned, drummer arm muscles bulging out of his sleeveless denim jacket and tank top.

"Whatever food this school serves." I said. It was lunchtime and the school cafeteria was so loud and crowded. People were bustling and bumping into each other from ninth grade to twelfth. They were too busy on their smartphones to notice what the hell was going on.

"Aww, well, guess what? Jon and I went to the nearby Happy Dragon Bistro and picked up a shrimp and bean curd platter for us!" Josh surprised as we walked to our table. Jon came and brought two bags full of Chinese takeout! I couldn't believe it! This beats whatever spam sandwiches this school would deal out.

"Woah, bruh, that's some real good shit! How did you get all that?" I asked, amazed, no grey spam for lunch today.

"Oh, well, Louis, the Tommo put in some coupons he collected and we practically got this all for free!" Josh answered as he opened the first plastic bag. "So Jon left during off period and picked this up. You know how Mr. Quincy doesn't care what the fuck we do in his class."

"Coolio." I said as we sat down at our usual lunch table. I was really hungry, like usual.

"Yo, scoot down a bit." Louis hollered as he walked, or strutted in. He always had to put on a show. Though he never admitted it, he was way too sassy to be straight. And I knew it. But I never brought it up. I wouldn't wanna be called a pansy or a fag either.

"Why?" I asked, we normally sat in the same place at our table.

"Because, I bought this food, bitch, plus, we're gonna have two guests here too." Louis said waving his manicured nails to me to scoot down. He sat next to me and Jon and Josh sat next to him. Liam came over and sat across from Jon. Liam always comes from football off season practice and stinks like a turd.

"Who's gonna be sitting with us?" Jon asked.

"Harry and Zayn." Louis answered. Louis unbuttoned his tight, fitted black blazer and took out some chopsticks and passed them out to all of us. Me, who loves food, can kinda use chopsticks, but Josh, who was more accustomed to drumsticks, couldn't. Neither could Liam or Josh. Soon, Zayn and Harry came. Zayn, I knew him, he's on my hockey team. Though I don't really know much about him. But he's super fast and can score like lighting. Though he can also be taken down pretty easy too.

Harry on the other hand, was really wimpy. He was overly emotional, sentimental and dramatic. Harry would literally stoop over and carry a spider from one side of the sidewalk to the other. He would cry over seeing a dead bird on the side of the curb. He would always say 'awww' and 'oh, my gosh' and other girly gay stuff. It's really annoying. He can be gay, but I hope he doesn't embarrass any of us. I glanced at my iphone and saw that my crush, Olympia Valance just sent me a follower request on instagram. My heart skipped a beat. Maybe now I get to see what's in her insta.

"Niall? It's time to eat, whatcha looking at?" Louis asked, he pulled my phone out and Olympia's instagram was on the screen.

"Dude, look, she is such a slut, showing off her ass like that?" Jon said. Zayn looked over.

Love Can be Frightening *A Ziall AU*Where stories live. Discover now