❤️Valentines Day Special❤️

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Happy valentines day/forever alone day (for people like me) to all of you!
This special will NOT be apart of the story line think of it as like a oneshot.

Also for those of you who like the name Akira I will be using Akira for the oneshot extras not related to the main plot. Ren is gonna be used for main story

Y/n's POV
Another day of school, opening up my locker I find a bunch of chocolates placed everywhere inside.
Oh yeah today is valentines day.
I gingerly pick up one of the boxes in one hand and another in the other. I sigh as I peer inside my locker, there is still a couple more boxes. Honestly I wonder how the boxes were able to get into my locker in the first place.
I put the two boxes I'm holding neatly back into my locker and shut it. Walking to class I see a desk with a few chocolates on a desk. I sigh once again. Sure enough its my desk. Settling my book-bag on my chair I open it up and fit all of the gifts into my bag...somehow.

This happens for the rest of my classes I have to dump all the gifts from my previous class into my locker, before going to the next.
When school is over I text into the group chat.

Y/n: Heeey, you guys!
Ann: whats up Y/n?
Y/n: I need help
Yusuke: what seems to be the problem?
Ryuji: yeah whats the matter
Y/n: Ann, Ryuji, Makoto, Haru and Akira meet me at my locker.
Y/n: Also Akira is it okay if we meet at Leblanc after?
Akira: yes
Y/n: Yusuke and Futaba meet us there later
Futaba: okay!

I slip my phone into my pocket and lean against my locker waiting for the others. Sure enough they come in a few minutes.
"Hey Y/n we're here, waddya need help with."
I open up my locker and three boxes tumble out.
There were a few audio able gasps.
"That MUCH?" Ann exclaims.
"Holy crap, thats a sh*t ton." Ryuji is glancing at the stack.
"I was aware you had admirers but I wasn't aware of it being this many." Makoto states.
"Uh, yeah um could you guys help me carry this to Leblanc, cause I certainly can't by myself."
"Of course." Makoto replies.
"Then lets start." Akira starts picking up the three that fell on the floor.

After a while we finally manage to get all of them. Now heading over to Leblanc we see Futaba and Yusuke waiting inside.

"Took you long enough." Futaba bluntly says.
"If you saw how much we had to pack then you would understand." Ryuji drops his bag onto the table. The rest of us follow.
"Whats inside the bags?" Yusuke asks.
I simple open my bag and dump its contents onto the table. And go to sit on one of the barstools.
"THIS MUCH?" Futaba exclaims.
"However possible do you have so many." Yusuke widens his eyes.
"This ain't even all of it."
The rest of the people dump all of chocolate contents onto the table. Bunches of gifts wrapped in decorative paper. You'd think it was Halloween and Christmas if you didn't know any better.
"Is all of this chocolate?" Yusuke asks.
"Yeah" I blandly say a bored look on my face.
"Did you guys all get so many valentines chocolates?" Yusuke questions.
"No way Ryuji can't even get a hello from a female." Ann teases.
"Shu-ut up I can too!" Ryuji defends himself.
"All of this is Y/n's." Haru explains.
"WHAAAA?" Futaba is shocked.
"Y/n's popular among the guys." Ann states.
"That must be nice getting all this chocolate." Futaba is still eyeing all the chocolate.
"Er I think I'm sick of chocolate, so you guys can spilt it amongst yourselves."
"Are you sure Y/n? These were given to you." Haru asks making sure if its fine.
"Yeah of course."

Everyone starts to divide the chocolate amongst them selves. I smile at them getting so excited over the sweets.
However one person wasn't taking part of the loot gathering. Akira slowly walked over.
"Oh hey." I smile as I skoot over on the couch I decided to move onto because it was comfier.
He seats beside me.
"I wanted you to have this."
Its then I noticed he had his hands behind his back.
He brings them forward presenting a teddy bear. Taking the teddy bear into my hands I smile. The teddy bear is white and has fluffy fur, shining black eyes and a heart shaped nose. The bear is holding a heart, the words 'I love you' are written on it.
A light blush creeps onto my face and I look up to see Akira scratching his neck and looking at the seat. Still holding the bear I wrap my arms around him. I can sense he's startled at first but he hugs back.

This was definitely the best valentines day in my life.

I look past Akira's shoulder to see morgana and what appears to be a cat smirk. I send a playful glare at him.
Morgana's laugh was loud enough to alert the others.
Ah great.
"Ohhhh what do we have here?" Ryuji is the first to speak.
"Looks like our leader wants to be Y/n's valentine." Ann voices in a teasing manner.
"So cute" Haru says in her usual gentle voice.
"Looks like our Y/n and Akira are content with one another's presence." Makoto says with a smile
"Its as though love is blossoming in their hearts, it is as though their hearts are one." Yusuke says with his eyes closed. (Me: what da faq yusuke is everything artsy to you?)
"Hey you know we can hear you guys." I break away from the hug to face them.
"Are you guys gonna take the next step of starting your relationship." Futaba asks.
"I er uh." I look down clearly embarrassed.
"Well Akira?"
"I would like to very much"
At those words my face becomes redder.
"Awwwww someones embarrassed." Ann continues to tease.
Chatter fills the shop and the warmth of mood spreads and lingers, it won't be going away anytime soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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Awakened (Persona 5) Ren Amamiya (AkiraKurusu)XReader *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now