I love/ i hate

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Things I hate

Walking out on a beautiful day dressed for cold weather than its actually hot

Thinking you have no more homework than you turn it over

Having to clean your room

Looking for a shoe that you know its in your room but you can't find it

Forgetting to update or someone else won't update

Calling your friend and in the background you hear her other friend after the fact you split your guts out to her

Wanting to tell my crush I like him but don't want him to say he doesn't like me back before he starts dating someone

Things i love

My dog she's been with me every where

When people comment on my stories

Seeing my crush

Doing a 3 mile walk

Watching movies for school

And more

Things I love about my crush

His laugh

When he finally smiles becAuse he never smiles

When he talks to me

When he doesn't mAke fun of me for crying

Standing close to me

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