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Each part is one page thats why  they are so short

Listeners POV:

There was blood on her scales. How weird. Did she cut herself? I have to be careful, "Hello?" she called out. She heard screaming. "Wait- what?" She said to the air. "I better run" She rushed to the screaming. Trees whacked her in the face, tiny animals scurried between her claws, and even more things rushed out to her. Or was she rushing to them? She couldnt tell anymore. she just kept running. Then she saw Thoughtful. But I know he's whiteout. would she be mad at me?  But she didnt stop. She could see all of their minds. The attackers were attacking out of fear, and Thoughtful was in rage. Whiteout's mind was as confusing as ever. Something hit her in the head. And she fell into a black, blacker then black, void. Falling into an endless black hole that would swallow her up.

Thoughtfuls POV:

OW he roared internaly as the strange dragons bit him. Out of the corner of his eyes he was Whiteout lunging to help. "N-" He tried to say, but was cut off as one of the dragons slammed his arm into Thoughtfuls face. The dragon then tried to tie his thrashing back talons down, but too late, Whiteout lunged at his attacker. "Leave. Thoughtful. ALONE!" Note: When whiteout is cold, she breaths out Frostbreath, Hot = fire | Weathery or hurricane or tornado or something = winds. Its a windy day! Whiteout breathed out a gust of wind, knocking the dragons off him. The dragons the fled, running. He reconized one of the dragon. His brother, Flightsmasher. 

Whiteouts POV: 

He was safe. Safer then can be. She hugged Thoughtful, and he smiled. The prints in his soul though were scared. He had see someone. Somehow, she already know what it was. Was that your brother?" She said.  Thoughtful looked up, suprised: ¨How did you know?" "Thoughtful. I know many things" He sighed. And then he nodded his head. "Yes that was Flightsmasher. MY sister, Eagleeyes is who knows where" he said to her. Whiteout thought about that for a moment. She knew where she was, hidden in the waves. If only she could bring it out! "Whiteout?" Thoughtful said suddenly, making her jump. "Where do you think she is?"  he asked.

"I don't know yet, but where ever she is, i hope your with me" 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2018 ⏰

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