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Without even knowing it my phone has been ringing for the last fifteen seconds. I quickly picked up my phone to answer, hoping I wasn't too late. It was my best friend, Jiwoo. Gosh, what does she want this late in the evening? Doesn't she know that I have basketball training now? Lucky for me the coach hasn't come yet. Then I would've been dead at this point...

"SOONHEE?? CAN YOU HEAR ME??" I heard a yelling yet quiet voice say something to me, but I couldn't figure out where. Oh. While thinking I forgot that I was on the phone with Jiwoo.

"Oh..uh-hi" I quickly said.

"Finally.. what took you so long!?" she asked me with a slightly annoyed tone. I explained to her with a little chuckle. After that she quietly sighed to herself, but I could still hear it.

"I just wanted to call to ask if you can drive us there tomorrow" she said, not being able to hide the excitement in her voice. Tomorrow? Have I forgotten something?

I answered back with a 'huh'. The second after that my ears barely broke. Yes, I know that my name is Sonhee you don't have to scream it.

"Omg have you forgotten?!" she said like it was the weirdest thing in the world. Yeah I have, haven't I made that obvious to you? "Sonhee, it's the NCT concert tomorrow! How can you forget such a thing?" Oh, right.. well that destroyed the perfect Sunday I was supposed to have with my couch.

"Maybe because I'm not a kpop fan unlike you"

"But you have never even heard their songs! Anyways you need to go with me either you like them or not. It's not fun going alone you know" I sighed as she said that. There's not even any point in arguing with her, she's going to end up winning anyway. Also we have already bought tickets. I muttered for myself since I really don't want to stand 2 hours straight in a concert with crazy saesangs pushing me (including Jiwoo) because of a concert I don't even want to go to. And yes, I do sound like a really negative pessimist. But I have never even listened to kpop, and I neither need or want to.

"Just remember our deal or I will never go to a concert with you ever again" I said with kind of a cold tone. We had a deal that if I go to the concert with her, she would buy me take-out for the whole week. Well, what can I say, I don't have any cooking skills.

"I know I know, but sti-" she quickly got interrupted by me hushing her. I thought I heard footsteps near the basketball court, and I was right. I whispered a 'gotta go' to Jiwoo to then hide my phone in my gym bag.

"EVERYONE START WARMING UP! THIRTY PUSHUPS, THEN THIRTY CRUNCHES, THEN TWENTY BURPEES" a loud echoing sound was heard in the entire room as the coach came in. If it wasn't for all the food in my belly I swear I would've quitted years ago.


I am currently standing in line with Jiwoo to the concert. How come 18 guys can make Jiwoos heart die in happiness? Lucky for me I brought earphones in case they take off their shirts or something. But I probably should've brought first aid kit for Jiwoo aswell.

Time actually went by pretty quick. Maybe kpop weren't the worst thing I've ever heard after all. I did get confused though about how they barely performed all 18, but in seperate groups. They sure can dance. I would say that the best one out of the eighteen of them is the pretty tall one with red hair. I like the way he raps, it's different from the others.

When the concert was about to reach it's end fans started to scream and push even more. Jiwoo, why did you have to get pit tickets closest to the stage? Some girls even barely pushed me down to the floor because they obviously wanted to get further ahead and closer to the band.

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