What is this feeling.

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It's been 15 years since my parents died in a car accident. Today is my first day at Ouran Academy. I honestly don't look forward to it, I'm not really a talkative person. I spend most of my time up in my room listening to music, or writing it. Today I decided to wear an all black outfit (pic above). I know I'm a lady, but prissy princess clothes are not my thing.

"Lady Hirai, the car is ready for you." I finished brushing my long black hair, letting it flow down my back. Then I put my makeup on and walked down stairs.

"Thank you, Lance." He was my driver. As we pulled out of the driveway, I put on my headphones, and turned on my phone on and played my favorite song Gangsta Sexy. When I turned my head, I saw a giant pink building. This must be Ouran Academy.

"Have a nice day Lady Hirai."

"Yeah, whatever. See you later Lance." I walked towards the building waving my hand back to him. I looked around, noticing all the people staring at me and whispering about me. I heard one girl say something about me, "Oh my goodness, look what she's wearing. I can't believe she'd wear something like that to Ouran." I'm not surprised that they're judging, but who cares. I continued walking down the hall, when all of a sudden...*CRASH*

"OW! watch where you're going, you just-"

"More like you watch where you're going. YOU'RE the one who bumped into me you moron." The guy stood there and stared at me dumbfounded. "What's your deal dude, when you see someone walking you should watch yourself, or someone will get hurt!"

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't see you. My deepest apologies. I'm Karou, what's your name?" he asked.

"Why would I tell you that?"

"Because, you and I are in the same class. I can tell because I saw your schedule. You're headed to class 1-A right." he said with a smile.

"Ye-yeah, that's where I'm headed."

"Then that makes you and I classmates, so we should get to know eachother miss...."

"A-Aki. My name is Aki Hirai." I stuttered.

"Well, its nice to meet you Aki. Let's get to class ok." he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards to class room. After the teacher mad me introduce my self I took a seat in the very back of the class. The teacher was such a bore, so being me, I decided to put on my blue skull haedphones and block out the sound, I did write down the notes on the board though, so I still technically listened. As the class dragged on I started to think about my plans for after school, do I want to go home and work on my song? Or do I want to go visit my parents grave? Oh well, I have time to think about it. *Bell rings* Finally class is over now I can leave. "Hey Aki." I looked up and saw Karou standing infront of me leaning on my desk.

"What's up?" I asked in a chill tone.

"I was wondering if you would accompany to the host club that I'm in?" I looked at him in confusion. Why would he ask me this, and what the heck is a host club?

"Um, i don't know Karou. I have a lot to do today."

"Please, it would be nice to have some company." he begged with puppy eyes. I nodded my head, grabbed my bag, and followed him out the door. We walked for a while until we reached a large door with a sign above it. Music Room #3. Isn't this just and abandoned music room. Maybe they use it for the club.

"Karou, I can only stay for a few minutes, then I have to leave." i told him.

"Ok, that's fine with me. I just want you to see what its like here." he said smiling at me. I felt my heart thump agaisnt my chest, I thought I was going to pass out. But I kept my cool, and waited for the doors to open. "Sorry I'm late boss. I brought someone with me." He gestured his hand towards me and I saw 6 boys standing in a group.

"Welcome, my princess. I do hope this shady twin hasn't done anything to you." A blonde guy, with purple eyes stared at me, holding my hand to his lips. I quickly took my hand away from him, grabbed his arm and flipped him over my shoulder.

"Trust me, the only shady one I see. Is you." I said. The entire room looked at me like I had just destroyed something.

"Woah, where did you learn how to do that?" I turned and faced the little blond boy. He looks like an elementary student in a third year uniform. But I know who he is.

"That's easy, Honey-senpai. My family owns a dojo."

"How do you know my name?" he asked puzzled

"Don't you remember me? My little samurai." his eyes widened. Then I found myself catching Honey in my arms.

"AKI-CHAN!!! It's really you."

"Of course its me." The whole club was confused. "Honey and I are childhood friends."

"As expected. I believe you know Mori-senpai too. Correct?" a guy said pushing up his glasses.

"Yes I do. In fact he and I are going to be relatives."

"Really?" Karou asked.

"Yes, his family is going to adopt me. I have no parents, so Mori's family offered to take me in." I looked at Karou with a straight face, letting him know that I had to leave.

"Wait, Aki. You should stay."

"I can't I have things to do." I said

"Well I want you to stay, you can become a hostess." I blinked with shock. Why would he say that. Is he trying to be friends with me? What should I do?

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