Welcome Party.

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Today is Saturday. It's my welcoming party, and I'm so happy to be here with my new friends and my new family. I'm super excited, and I can tell Mori is too. His expression may not show it, but I can tell. "Excuse me, Miss Hirai. You have a visitor, would you like me to send them in?"

"Yes, please do." I said, then I turned to see my new mother. I walked over to her, and gave her a hug.

"Aki, you look beautiful. I can't tell you how happy we are that you're a part of our family."

"And I can't tell you how happy I am to BE a part of your family." we smiled at eachother, and nearly broke out in tears. I'm so happy.

"Aki, Mori is going to bring you out, so be ready for him ok?"

"Ok, mom. I MEAN MA'AM, I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT!!!!" I just realized what I had said, I can't believe I said that so bluntly, we haven't even been living together yet, I don't even have permission to call her that yet.

"Oh, its ok Aki. I've been wanting you to call me mom ever since we talked about the adoption." She gave me a smile, and I almost broke out in tears. I hugged her so tight, like I was going to lose her. Once I stopped crying, I stepped back and fixed my makeup. Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Oh hey, Mori. Is it time?" I asked as he came into the room.

"Yep, and Aki, I want you to do me a favor."

"Sure, anything for you."

"From now on can you call me Takashi, or even......big bro?" My eyes widened. I can call him big bro.

"Yeah, ok. I'll do that. Big bro." He smiled at me after hearing that. He held out his hand, I took it, and we walked down the stairs and waited at the entrance to the back yard.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, I'm ready." The doors opened, reaveling a beautifuly decorated patio/yard. Everyone clapped as I walked with Takashi. I greeted everyone with either a handshake or a bow. I turned my head slightly and saw Kaoru standing there with that guy I keep seeing. He waved over at me, and I waved back. "Hey, Takashi. I'm going over to Kaoru. Ok?"

"Go ahead." I nodded my head a ran towards him.

"Hey, Kaoru. I'm so glad you made it."

"Hey, Aki. You really think I'm going to miss your welcoming party?"

"No, I knew you were going to come. But I do have one question. Who is he?" I asked

"Oh, you guys haven't met yet. This is my twin brother Hikaru. Hikaru, this is Aki, the girl I've been telling you about and our new hostess." He gestured towards me.

"Hi, Aki. I'm Hikaru, it's nice to meet you."

"Its nice to meet you too. I'm really glad you came with your brother, I've wanted to know who you were for a while." He and I smiled at eachother, and then I left to go join my new family,

(A few hours later)

The party was going smoothly, and everyone was having fun. "Excuse me, Miss Aki. There is a guest that would like to speak with you."

"Ok, show me the way" I followed her through the party, and then I saw a person whom I didn't expect to see here. I put on a serious face and went to speak. "It's good to see you, welcome grand-" (SLAP).

"How dare you?" my words were interrupted by my grandmother slapping me across the face, and landing on the ground. The entire party went silent. "HOW DARE YOU ABANDON YOUR OWN HOME. YOU HAD A DUTY TO THE HIRAI FAMILY AND YOU DECIDE TO JUST THROW IT AWAY!!!!" I went to say something, but then I saw my new father stand in the middle of me and my grandmother. Kaoru and Hikaru came over and helped me up from the fall. Takashi came over as well, to make sure I was ok.

"She didn't abandon anything, Maria. We have adopted her into our family, and we have promised to take care of her, and love her with all our hearts." My father said standing up for me. Once I was to my feet, my grandmother walked over to me. Kaoru was about to step in front of me but I put my hand in front of him to stop him from doing anything. I pushed everyone away from me, and prepared for what she had to say to me. I saw her hand go up and then (SLAP, SLAP, SLAP) she hit me more than before, and they were harder than before as well. I fell once again to the ground, this time with tears in my eyes.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!" Kaoru yelled at her.

"I-it's fine K-Kaoru." I told him, and his eys began to tear up. Then my grandmother grabbed me by my hair and broke off the necklace I was wearing. It was my mother's, I wore it everyday. She gave it to me before she died. I saw the pieces of silver from the chain fly/fall before my eyes.

"Your mother was a fool. She believed this world was a peaceful, and happy place. But she was wrong. She should never have given birth to you. Your just an idiotic child that can't seem to realize what's in front of her. It's your fault she died you know?" i froze. I-I-I can't believe it, but she's right. It is my fault they're dead.


"ENOUGH KAORU!!!" I yelled. he looked at me in shock about what I said. I tried to stand but I was weak from crying, so I stayed there.

"The reason she died along with your father is because of you. Because you decided that you wanted to stay at your friends house, so they stayed with you and talked with your friends parents. When you finaly left it was 10:00 at night, and on your way back you hit a rock and the car went off the road. When the ambulance arrived, there was only one survivor." My eyes widened, then I realized the truth. "The survivor was a little girl. This little selfish girl. She was the cause of their death. Only you are to blame. If you aren't careful, you might lose this family too."

"That's enough Maria. I think you should leave, you've done enough damage." Father stared at her with anger. she turned to walk away, then I saw my necklace. She threw it and it landed in the river behind the house.

"Very well, but let me say one last thing." she grabbed me by my hair again, and Kaoru went to help me, but I looked over at him and shook my head. "As of today, you are no longer a part of the Hirai family. And you are no longer my grandaughter, from this day forward you are nothing to me. And you are no longer the daughter of Rachel and Edward Hirai." she released my hair, causing me to fall, then I stood and watched her leave.

"Aki, are you alright?" Kaoru asked me. I said nothing. I started to walk away, but everything began to spin, the people around me looked fuzzy. I took a step, and began to fall."AKI!!!" was the last thing I heard, I felt someone catch me. I tried to focus my vision on the figure, then I realized it was Takashi, and evryone else began to surround us. Evertyhting went black.

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