Part 1, Chapter 7

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Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn 1

Part 1 Intruder in the Night

Chapter 7

The four purple and orange vans raced away from a bank they had just robbed before the authorities had been notified. Two of these cars were filled with the belongings of the entire bank, the rear van contained a handful of goons and the lead car, contained a driver and the inseparable duo of the Joker and Harley Quinn as well the belongings of the visitors who visited the bank this evening.

“These heists are getting too easy!” The Joker whined. “I mean Bats didn’t show his face and he always is the life of the party.”

“It’s okay Jokey.” Harley coos at him putting her head down in his lap, “at least I didn’t stuff up this time.” Her voice had a hint of worry in it.

Right on cue the van’s engine began whining and spluttering.

“Err, Boss.” The driver began, “she’s out of gas.”

“How. Troublesome.” Joker giggled as he looked down at Harley, his smile widened, if that was at all possible, “I thought you were supposed to put gas in the tank. What happened? He asked, faking sympathy.

“I- I don’t, I j-just.” she began to get worried were this was heading.

The van gave one last splutter and died.

The Joker turned wild as the three of you got out, “sorry? You’re just sorry?

His hand lashed out and struck her fast but hard, she stumbled, dazed at what had just happened her hand went to her hot stinging cheek, eyes watering.

 “Sorry just doesn’t cut it this time Harley baby.” He cooed mockingly at her.

Her eyes widened as The Joker lashed out and grabbed her pigtails, pulling the screaming and now crying girl with him. The other three vans had pulled up.

“You and you.” Yelled at two goons, the pointed at the broken down van, “gather up the cash and put it in the empty van.” They nodded to The Joker and set out quickly.

“Where is the driver of my van?” The Joker demanded.

“R-Right here sir,” the goon stammered, afraid of what was coming and he had every reason too. The Joker raised his free hand and shot him in the head, he went to clutch his head but fell to the ground. No one bothered to check him, when the Joker was in a mood like this few survived.

“We need two other volunteers, to help ‘lighten’ the load” The Joker said smiling kindly, no body moved. “No one? Ok then.” Two more gun shots were heard followed but sickly thuds.

Sticking his gun back in his pocket he ‘tsk’d’ as he adjusted his flower lapel, “three bullets wasted, I could have used the on Batsie.” He was seriously upset, until he remembered Harley still squirming in his hand. “And you Harley, turning back to her, I have a special present to give you when we get home.” He said with a fake tenderness.

Harley’s eyes went wide with fear as she pleaded “No, please, I haven’t healed properly since last time.” But her pleas fell on death ears.

Joker dragged her in the back of the van but not before spraying her with his flower lapel he made sure he set had set to sleep not kill, he wanted to make sure she didn’t miss her surprise.


I apologise for the shortness of this chapter but this is a lead up to part II

Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn 1: Intruder In The NightWhere stories live. Discover now