A Date with Destiny (PART 2)

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Bella POV

I walk out the door with Damon, our hands intertwined. "So, handsome, where are you taking me?" I ask, leaning my head on his shoulder while we walk down the path, into the woods. "That's a surprise. I am shocked Adaline didn't tell you." He says, chuckling. "No, she was actually good at keeping a secret!" I laugh, adjusting my necklace. 

"I was honestly shocked when you introduced us to her, but I am so glad you did. She's so amazing." He says, opening his phone, and showing his wallpaper, which is a photo of Me, him, and Adaline. It's so sweet.

"She told me some, weird, yet amazing things." I say, smiling. "What'd she say?" He asks, helping me over a long in the way. "She told me I only married Nik to have her, and meet you, my soulmate." I tell him, slightly scared for his response. He stands in front of me, my hands in his. 

"I believe her. I believe her 100 percent. Now, I have cover your eyes." He says, taking a sleeping mask out. He carefully places it on me, taking my right hand and leading me somewhere. Once the blindfold is off, I see a beautiful candlelit dinner, in the middle of a meadow. "Oh, Damon!" I say, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tightly. 

We sit down and lift the cover off of our food. "Rare steak, bourbon, and mashed potatoes." He says, smirking his handsome smirk. "You know me so well." I say, digging into the food. I sip on the bourbon and sigh, knowing exactly what type and when. "A bottle of Early Times.  You're father kept millions of bottles of it." I say, smiling. 

"We still have over 300 bottles, and I know how much you enjoyed them, so I brought a bottle." He says, sipping a small sip. As soon as I take a sip, I see Nik emerge from the trees. "Bella, what are you doing?" He asks, anger filling his voice. "I'm on a date with my soul mate. Why are you here?" I ask, standing up. 

"I'm here to ask for your forgiveness. I realize what I did was awful and that I love you. I want you and Addie to come home to New Orleans and stay with me. We can restart if you want." He says, smiling. I reach into my purse and pull out a bag, with the engagement ring and wedding band from Nik. I throw them at him. "Shove these up your pathetic ass, Niklaus. You said my daughter didn't matter. You cheated on me. You don't deserve me. Goodbye, Niklaus Mikaelson. Bella Swan is better than ever, with Damon Salavtore." I say, sitting back down. 

"I'll always love you." he says, running back off into the woods. "Bella, that was amazing." Damon says, smiling. "I hate that pathetic excuse of a man." I say, finishing my cup of bourbon. 

"Bella, I love you." Damon admits, biting his lip.

"And I love you, Damon."


Hey guys!
This story is back!

I know, most of you wanted Bella with Nik.

Sorry about that.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!



( 529 words ) 

His Queen, Her King (Bella Swan x Niklaus Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now