25: Going Home

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Kakashi wakes up after tsunade heals him and gets him out of the genjitsu.

Kakashi: oh... Gomen. To have troubled you... Tsunade-sama.

Tsunade: it's ok.

Kakashi: .... Nina... Nina!!

Naruto: Nina? What are you talking about? Kakashi sensei.

Kakashi: tsunade-sama. Do you know anything about Nina?

Tsunade: no. I just came back.

Kakashi went to find jiraiya " jiraiya-sama. Do you have any news about Nina?"

Jiraiya: Nina? Which Nina?

Kakashi: she's the one you picked up and brought back to konoha .

Jiraiya: oh her. Yea. Why?

Kakashi: have you seen her?

Jiraiya: obviously not. I haven't seen her in a long time. Why?

Kakashi: I see... No... She went with the akatsuki. I was wondering if you saw her.

Jiraiya: ah!! Wait!! Is she anbu?

Kakashi: hai!! You've seen her?

Jiraiya: there was this girl kisame was carrying around. She had a mask on. But I couldn't tell if she was our anbu. He looked like he was protecting her, so I didn't pay much attention.

Kakashi: .... It's her. I think it's her!!

She opens her eyes " ... Itachi. You can't keep doing this to me. "

Itachi: I know.

Nina: I have to return... Some day... Unless you kill me.

Itachi: some day. You don't mind being trapped by me like this?

Nina: I'm worried about kakashi. But tsunade-sama has returned to konoha. So I guess he's fine now.

Itachi: you're still as considerate as I remember.

Nina: arigato.

Tamazuki : kakashi-san!

Kakashi turns around " hai? Oh. Tamazuki. What's the matter?"

Tamazuki: I heard that you're going to find Nina.

Kakashi: ah. She hasn't been replying my calls through the seal. I'm worried.

Tamazuki: she probably heard you but then blocked you out.

Kakashi: she can do that?

Tamazuki: yea... She often does that to Yamashita. Cos he can get very noisy.

Kakashi: I see.

Tamazuki: you're going to look for her?

Kakashi: um.

Tamazuki: actually. Nina passed me a scroll in teaching me how to use the seal each of us have to locate each other. She said that if I could complete the first step , I could try teleporting myself to that person with the seal. Ha... I never succeeded. She said I'm kind of apt with seals so she wanted me to try. Maybe you can succeed.

Kakashi: arigato.

Tamazuki; no. Just giving it to someone who can use it better than me.

Kakashi: I'll return you the scroll after this. After all, Nina gave it to you.

Itachi: for a while... I felt like home.

Nina: home...

Itachi: I like you... In the past. But I guess you're happier now. Kakashi is your husband. Isn't he?

Nina: could you keep it a secret?

Itachi: still as low profile as ever.

Nina: Itachi. Someone's making a connection to me. I think someone's coming here. This conversation has to end soon.

Itachi sighs . He reaches out to take her mask off " Nina." He looked into her eyes.

Nina: hai?

Itachi: promise me to bring me home after I die. If that's possible.

Nina: I'll try ...

He cups her cheek ... And said something by her ear ... Then left.


Kakashi: I did it. Nina!!

She looks to kakashi " kakashi. You're fine!!" She goes to hug him. He hugs her back in a tight hold " I thought they would've done something bad to you right now. "

Nina: I'm ok. I'm ok.

Kisame: I thought you would have kidnapped her and brought her back to akatsuki.

Itachi: and have her tortured?

Kisame; I didn't say that. Her skills are not bad. Maybe we could recruit her. Then we can have a three man cell.

Itachi: akatsuki wouldn't suddenly change because of her.

Kisame shrugs " you're so stubborn. What did you say to her? Before you left. "

Itachi: you're very nosy.

I still like you.

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