Chapter 1: Drunk Mistake

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Juvia's POV:
  "Hey Fire Head! Stop Drinking I'm gonna get drunkkkk" I could hear my darling Gray from across the guild hall. He was so clearly drunk.
I walked over to him a softly grabbed him by the shoulders to restrain him from starting a fight with Natsu.
"Gray we should go home now, you need some rest," I said calmly. He turned around and looked me straight in the eyes for a solid 20 seconds before collapsing onto my chest.
"Gray wake up we need to get you home," I said again as he pulled his left arm over my shoulders and helped him walk to our apartment. I walked him all the way to his room and put him in bed. As I turn around to walk to my room I felt something pulling at my shirt, I turned around.
It was Gray. He pulled me into his bed and kissed me passionately. I didn't refuse.

~A/N• OOF I wrote this like two years ago and I'm cringing so fucking hard...~

Gurvia (pregnant/kids) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now