Chapter 2: Unsaid, Untold

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Juvia's POV:
I woke up to a unfamiliar sight. Gray's room. It took me a few moments to register what had happened then it hit me.
I had SLEPT with Gray without protection.

I sat on the toilet seat in my bathroom staring at the positive pregnancy test. I needed to tell Gray. I decided to tell him under my favorite cherry tree at the park. I left a Note on Gray's bed.

Meet me under the cherry tree at the magnolia park, We need to talk.

Later that Day
I was under the tree when I saw my love, Gray walking towards me.
"Gray!" I exclaimed. Wind blowing the cherry blossom on the floor making the park beautiful
"Juvia what did you need to talk about?" Gray's face was still and serious.
I smiled at him "Gray! I'm pregnant! With your Child." I was beaming
"What? How?" His face was confused
"Do you remember the party two weeks ago?"
"Yes?" Gray responded, getting more confused than he already was.
"Well at that party you got a little too drunk Gray, so I took you home. And you pulled me into bed and slept with me."
He didn't respond but just stared at the floor.
Then he spoke " Why didn't you stop me Juvia," He looked up at me, He was crying, " I don't want a child right now. I'm not ready and neither are you. Juvia I'm so sorry I can't right now." Gray ran of away from me, so I ran to the apartment grabbed my suit case and started sobbing whilst packing all the belongings I could into it.
Once I had packed all of my belongings I ran out of the house just as Gray was walking in he called after me but I just ignored him. I ran to the guild hall with my suit case and up the stairs to the Master's Office.
"Master I am taking a 5 year leave from Fairy Tail please do not tell my friends unless they really need to know." I told him
"Yes Child, But please tell me why"
"Because Gray got me pregnant on the night of the party. When I told him today he said he did not want the child so I shall leave for 5 years to raise my child. I shall not tell any one of my location. Thank you master."
"Thank you, Juvia."

Gurvia (pregnant/kids) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now