Chapter 1- Devils Den

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I listened as Tyran shunned me, over and over again with that little wench of his, Alicia. My god, she’s the biggest tramp I have ever met, and I’ve met many. I was sitting in our living room with Delilah and Maria. My two and as of last year only friends, well excluding Leah who was married six-months ago to her mate Paul. Lucky bitch. Tyran told the whole school I had been the one to set the art and science department alight. For the record I did no such thing. Anyway I was sitting in our living room with Delilah and Maria, we were watching some crappy soap opera, I think it was days of our lives.

“Can you please change the channel? This show is making me sick.” Delilah yelled overly disgusted. She hates soap operas, mind you so do I.

“No, I love this show.” Maria said happy to annoy her sister.

“Come on Maria, please can you change it to some thing that doesn’t make me as depressed as a hound. Please?” I asked feeling the heartache coming from Tyrans’ room.

“I’m sorry Snowy, but can we please just watch this episode, then I’ll change it. Please?” Maria begged.

“Oh hell no, you said that six episodes ago.” Delilah said annoyed with the voices of the characters.

“PLEASE!!” Maria pleaded getting down on her knees.

“NO!” Delilah yelled.

“De-De. Please let me deal with this.” I said calmly then heard the groans and orgasms coming from Tyrans room. “Please let us watch something else that has nothing to do with love and lust.” I asked with a mono emotional face. Maria stared longingly at me, then her face softened.

“Alright, what do you want to watch?” She asked getting out the remote.

“Can we watch NCIS or something?” I asked.

“Sure.” She said changing the channel. We watched a few reruns of NCIS by the time Alicia and Tyran came out of his room.

“What cha watching girlies?” Tyran asked walking into the living room Alicia at his side.

“Since when do you care?” Delilah asked annoyed.

“How dare you speak to your Alpha like that!” Alicia yelled at Delilah.

“I’ll speak to him how I want!” Delilah yelled back.

“You should treat him with respect.” Alicia said snobily.

“Maybe you should all shut up and let us watch our show!” Maria snapped and I looked at her and saw that her eyes were as black as coal, the colour of her wolf.

“Maria, you need to calm down.” I said getting up in front of her.

“No, I’m going to teach that bitch a lesson!” She growled at Alicia. She looked terrified.

“No, Maria no, not like this.” I said trying to calm her down. But it was no use the only one who could calm her down was her mate, the only problem is, she doesn’t have one! Then it hit me Tyran can use his Alpha tone to order people around, but I’ve got better. I’ve got mine. “Maria Tiana Takoni, calm down. NOW!” I growled with authority. Maria’s wolf then cowered away inside her and her eyes went back to their normal baby blue colour.

“My apologies.” She said bowing her head.

“It’s alright Maria. Her time will come.” I said hugging her in a motherly way.

“Please never do that again.” Delilah said trebling a little.

“Sorry.” I said feeling guilty. I always felt guilty if I scared them, they were and are the only family I have and I can’t live without them.

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