Chapter 3- The True Werewolf

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I pulled into the empty space in the garage then walked inside to where I found Tyran waiting for me. His hands and clothes were covered in blood, human by the looks of things.

“What have you done?” I asked a little freaked.

“She failed.” He said with a smirk on his face. My eyes widened and I ran up to his room to find Alicia spread out naked and bloody on his bed. Then realization hit me. She couldn’t satisfy him so he ripped her apart. Then I heard the door click shut behind me that get locked. “I’ve been waiting to get you alone for so many years.” He said chuckling.

“That’s why you stabbed Maria? To get her out of the way?” I asked disgusted.

“Yep.” He said popping the ‘p’.

“And you knew Delilah would do over time to look after her.” I stated understanding everything as I said it.

“Exactly.” He said. “And now that you’ve met Demitri, I have to claim you to keep you.” He said.

“I wont let you.” I said backing away from him.

“You’ve got no choice.” He said leaping at me, making me bash against the wall. I quickly jumped out of the way before he hit into me, only one problem, I fell on the bed and on top of Alicia. Before I knew it Tyran leaped on top of me baring his canines. He tried biting into my neck but I blocked it by punching him in the side of the head. I seriously don’t have time for this.

“Get off me!” I screamed trying to push him off but he wouldn’t budge. I looked around the room for an escape, but it was to dark to see anything because he had the curtains closed. I could feel my bones starting to morph into their monthly shape. So I screamed out in pain. “Seriously Tyran, get the fuck off me!” I yelled using al me strength to push him off, I had enough energy to push him to the other side of the bed then got on my feet and ran to the door. I took me a minute to realize that he had locked it, a minute that gave him enough time to bash me into the door. He ripped the shorts off then turned me around.

“Now your going to be a good girl aren’t you?” He said crashing his lips to mine but I didn’t kiss him back which earned me a punch in the face. I fell to the floor then started crawling over to the window. I felt my spine crack loudly which made me stop crawling and scream in pain. I heard Tyran chuckle and saw a pair of jeans fall in front of me. Shit! I felt his fingers dig into my sides and pull my hips up and meet with his pelvis. I could feel his erection through my underwear and I didn’t like the feeling. Then more pain came over me, but not from him. My tailbone started elongating and pulled my spine back with it. Which made my body move backwards into Tyran. “There’s no rush baby.” Tyran purred.

“For god sake Tyran, let me the fuck go before I kill you!” I yelled.

“I would love to see you try.” He chuckled and that set me off. As painful as it was, I turned my body around; taking him by surprised and punched him in the face. He let go of me and fell backwards. With the time I had I ran to the window and opened the curtains letting the moonlight it, then my eyes connected with the full moon. I felt my eyes turn coal black and my irises turn a vibrant electric blue. Then my bones and insides begin to really morph, into the animal of the moon. The True Werewolf. I felt two cold arms take hold of me from behind. I tried to through him off only to be pushed through the window and fell two story’s to the hard and muddy ground, taking Tyran with me. He was clutching his sides in pain, I ran into the woods before he came to. As I ran my skin started splitting letting the fur out and my eyesight became more defined. My jaw and nose morphed together and grew to make a snout, my teeth becoming sharp and pointed like wolves. My fingers elongated and my nails became claws, as did my feet. My spine grew extra vertebras and my tail became its full length. I stood up on my hind legs and howled at the mood as my black and white fully came through my skin to cover my body, shredding my skin in the process. Then I started running, hearing faint pounds on the ground following me. I came to a clearing which was the cross-between the territories. I became surrounded by wolf-shifters in their wolf forms. I recognised a few of them. Leah, Delilahs and Tyrans. Surrounding me were maybe twenty wolves, each of them looking scared of me, except those who knew it was me-Delilah and Leah-. They have seen me in this form once before. But what none of them knew was that I was their queen. They were a few generations reborn from my kind. They had no choice but to obey my every order. They were all ready to fight me when I growled my ancient growl. I jumped over Leah’s wolf and ran after and fed on any animal that crossed my path. When I was done feeding I went to a cliff and started howling at the moon. Then with the setting of the moon I headed home taking the back way so no-one would see me and slowly started morphing back into my human from and walked into my room and fell asleep in my bed in peace.

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