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This is like a fill in chapter. It's a flashback to the night of her death.

Melissa p.o.v

My head was throbbing, my eyes were closed, and my chest was burning. I couldn't hear anything but ringing in my ears which made my headache even worse.

I groaned and forced my eyes open to see only darkness around me. Slowly sitting up I look around and only see black. My body still aches and blood splatters all over my clothes.

"Hello!" I scream and only get an echo back. I start to tremble in fear as tears fill my eyes.

"Don't cry it's okay." I hear a soft voice before all of a sudden a bright light blinds me. Using my arm to shield my eyes my body starts to feel like it's burning.

Closing my eyes I pat my skin to stop the burning, why was there fire on my skin.

"Melissa" The voice called out scaring me because it was so familiar. Tears starting to sprinkle down my bruised cheeks.

"No it can't be you, it can't be you, why is my mind playing tricks on me"

Hands grab my face gently and I shake my head frantically crying for this whatever it was to stop playing with me.

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