Chapter 4

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The car ride was awfully akward.

Seth kept looking at me with a mix of wanting to ask me questions, weariness from my killing skills, guilt and sadness for who knows what, and I think... Desire? Maybe? Not sure, since He was changing emotions faster than a mood ring. Not that I was paying that much of attention anyway.

On his side, Richie would throw random comments trying to start a conversation with me, but My head was in something more important at the moment.

It's not that I didn't want to chit-chat with Beard dude and Smarty-pants, But I was dirty, tired, Hungry, and worst of all the fucking protection charm inked on my back was hurting like hell. Considering it's meant to keep Lucian from tracking my position and invading my thoughts among other fun stuff, You can understand why I am so uneasy. Especially since there is pressure building on my brain from someone trying to take over.

"Where are we?"

"In an Unicorn's lair."I deadpan. "What does it look like,dumbass? Its a Hotel. Like the ones people use, for you know, stuff like sleeping and shower?" Yep, I was definitely cranky and sarcastically marking my way through it.

"Stop being such a bitch" He rolls his beautiful blue eyes.

"Says the snake that was the bitch of  a 500 years old mummy...what's the matter Ri-Ri, Human Girls your age don't like you?" I am pushing his buttons and I know it.

"Still sore because I choose a Woman over your teenage-self?" Richie mocks me.

Ok, that hurt more than I want to admit. "Please! That would Imply that I cared about you!" I laugh without humor.

" You wouldn't have kissed me if you didn't felt any sort of attraction towards me, nor would you have clash with Santanico so much" He smirks "I must admit tho, jelousy looks good in you."

"Dont flatter yourself" I scoff. "You were a perturbed man looking for affection and I was doing what I needed to do to get my family out of there." His smile disappearing with every lie I spit at him.

Finally that last sentence hit home  and he got his Culebra face full on display. I growl back and We got near each other, none of us backing down from the strong and heated stare. I could see He was in pain at what I just said but was covering it with anger. Just like I have been doing, but I'm not one to step down from a fight, at least not anymore.

"Hey! Knot it off you two, I need to take care of my Injuries and I'm very fucking tired to deal with your shit. Now, Let's go inside so I can get a cold beer and some rest." Ticked off mark on his forehead.

Richie goes back to his human side and fixes his hair back. I huff, but turn and went towards the reception bumping Richie's shoulder on my way. Seth just looks at me with a 'Really?' expression.

Once inside, I bang my hand hard on the desk two times, but noone came out.

Sighting I shout "Kenny, stop touching yourself and get your fat ass out here already! And Don't even think about ignoring me! I know you are in there, don't make me come and get you."

I heard rapid footsteps and said man appeared before us. He looks like he hasn't had a shower in days. You know what, scratch that, He smells like he hasnt had a bath for a while.

"Why do you have to be so mean to me?" He makes puppy dog eyes which disturb the fuck out of me.

"Mmm I don't know, maybe because you tried to fucking kill me or maybe because you delivered Lucian to my doorstep, you fucking rat"

"You should let go of the know? like Elsa from Frozen" He says shrinking into his seat behind the counter.

"I'm not in the mood for your comments Kenny" I narrow my eyes at him puting my hand on my gun so he could see that I was not on the best condition to joke around.

"I'm sorry, Your highness. I wanted to light up the mood" he says nervously.

"Just forget about it, I need one of the penthouses..." scratching in between my eyebrows. I look back and saw the Geckos looking at me. Both decoding the entire scene. "....preferly one of the most private ones."

"Of course, only the best para Nuestra Diosa" He grins and sets his sight on The Geckos. Black orbs changing to an Icy Blue.

I cuss him profusely in a lower tone as he gives me the keys. Now they won't leave the issue rest until I spill all the beans.

Note to self: Shoot Kenny given the chance.

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