Chapter 5

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"Damn Angel! You walk fast for someone that got smacked around only an hour before." Seth says as he appears inside the room supporting himself on Richie's shoulder, panting and holding his bleeding side. "Im still fucked up from Xibalban beasts, you know?"

I look at him and his miserable state and my Irritation lowers a little bit, "I'm sorry, I was lost in thought and forgot you were with me" I smile sheepishly.

Turning to Richard, said smile disolves. "The room on your left is yours." Nodding to him on the correct direction.

Turning to the older brother, "You get the one beside his. Go there and I'll help with your wounds."

"Thanks Angel, but I can manage on my own" He says holding a redish thumb up and sending me a weak wink.

"Oh really?" I raise an eyebrow. "Of course you can..." Fake grin appearing while I start walking towards him. "You are The Great Seth Gecko in the flesh..." Nearing him. "The unkillable Man..." I wishper on his ear. "Aren't you?" I grab his wound and squeeze it lightly, making him double over in pain, biting his lip to held making any sounds.

"Like I said, Go to your room and I'll fix your wounds." Now it was very clear it was an order.

"You could of have ask nicely " He croack a little.

"I did. You didn't listen." Giving him a pointed look. His eyes widen a fraction, but hungs his head and does as he is told.

Outsiders would of have thaught nothing of it, but Both Geckos knew the double meaning behind my words. Words that made them go back all the way to the Titty Twister, where Kate and I had practically begged them to let us go before things went downhill, yet They didn't listen.

" I...." Richi says softly.

I sigh deeply. " Not now Richie, I'm going to help your brother and then take care of myself. Good night." I tell him a little sad.

I grabbed the medical kit on the kitchen and entered Seth's room.

"Take your shirt off"

"What? No dinner first?" He jokes, slowly taking his clothes. I roll my eyes.

"Lay back on the mattress so I can work better" I flinch after I said it because of how dirty it sounded. I was hoping he wouldn't notice but...

"Oh Angel I didn't think you were the Riding type" He smirks. To my dismay I blush profusely, something that hasn't happened in a while. I can assure you Its his abs fault. I mean Seth shirtless could make even The Pope blush. So I respond like any embarrassed and mature person would. I hit his shoulder muttering a very effective SHUT UP.

Cleaning the wound it was obvious he needed stitches. "I don't have to tell a man that has been through more injuries than a Bloopers channel that this is going to be a pain in the ass, so take this and enjoy the taste of an expensive Tequila." I told him handing him the bottle and getting to work.

I finished with the needle and put a covering gauze. I helped him stand up and move to a love seat so I could get rid of the stained sheets.

While I was making him sit back on the bed, his body weight me down and we both end up falling backwards. 

I yelp a little, and end up ontop of him. My chest against his bare one an my legs in-between his. His arm circling my waist.

We laugh a little. He because he was drunk and me out of nervousness about the hotness that was spreading through my veins.

Our Noses touch when we both tried to move at the same time and my breathing hitchs. I try to make some space between us by puting my hands on his toned chest.

We look at each other and our sight moves from mouth to eyes again.

Leaning in, ready for a passionate kiss, Our lips brush together and I release the breath I didn't know I was holding.

We are about to seal the deal, when Richie opens the door scaring the shit out of me. Jumping away from Seth, I cought and shift from side to side.

"Ok sooo, I'm finished here. Everything is good, the wound is well, so emmmm... yeah! Good night you two." I rush out of my mouth and faster than Flash grab the medical kit and leave the brothers glaring at each other.

What the fuck is wrong with me?!! Get a fucking grip on yourself woman! So what if  this man is like fine wine, aged to perfection?! He is a Gecko! You hate them for what happen with your family, for fucks sake!

That's not true and you know it. The annoying voice in the back of my head reminds me.

I grumble and slam my bedroom door shut. Angry at my apparent lack of self control and at everything else the went on today, I get my toiletries and hop in the shower.

I feel like a piece of crap for almost kissing Richie's brother. That look of betrayal he gave me.

I punch the shower wall hard. Fuck this! Why should I feel guilty when we don't even have feelings for each other!!

Lying to yourself doesn't work. The noisy voice sang. I ignore it, again.

You know what? Screw this shit. I'll focus on the mission and that's it.

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