Chapter 5- The fight pt. 1

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This chapter I think is going to be in two parts otherwise it's going to be really long... hope you enjoy
Gabby's POV
2 weeks... that's how long it's been since Matt walked out, he's won't answer my phone calls or my texts Herrmann has been acting Lieutenant on Truck 81 for the past two weeks. Not even Kelly has spoken to him! It's killing me to know that it's all because of me.

This is the first time in 2 weeks that I've slept in our bed. I've been in Matt's hoodie crying my eyes out every night in the hope that he will come back. I have this overwhelming feeling that he won't be back! I'm left laying there wide away crying into his pillow getting ready for yet another sleepless night.

Matt's POV
Nobody knows where I am or how long I'm going to be away for honestly I don't even think I know. It's been 2 weeks since Gabby and I had the biggest fight ever and it hurt, the thing is I'm not angry at Gabby I'm angry at myself for letting it get to the stage it got it but the stuff she said still stuck in my head like knives. I've spent every night and day for the past weeks crying my heart and eyes out, wondering why she would say what she said? Did she really mean it?
I've been ignoring all her texts and phone calls because I know she is just as heartbroken as I am and I can't take it. I love her so much she's my rock but I can't bring myself to go home... I miss her warm embrace every night and how beautiful she is when she wakes up. God I miss her so much but what if she doesn't want me back...

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