t w e n t y

389 9 2

I wake up and Ethan is gone

I roll over to check the time


I roll off the bed and walk downstairs to see Lisa preparing dinner

I walk over to her

'Do you need some help?'

I smile warmly at her

'Actually yes'

She returns the smile

I walk over and start to help

Ethan walks in dripping wet he must've been in the pool

It isn't even that warm but oh well

He comes up behind me and kisses my cheek

'How was your sleep?'

'Well needed'

I turn my head and kiss his soft wet lips

He then jogs upstairs to have a shower

I glance over at my shoulder and see Lisa smiling at me I return the smile

The door then opens and a girl walks in

That must be Cameron

Followed behind her is their dad

I wipe my hands on the tea towel and go over to introduce myself

I go up to Cameron

'Hi, I'm Daniella' I warmly

She extends her arms and I hug her

'I'm Cameron' she smiles

I then go up to Mr Dolan

'Hello Mr Dolan' I smile and shake his hand

'Call me Sean'

'Okay' I smile and then go up to Ethan's room

I knock on the door gently

'Come in'

I open the door to reveal Ethan with a towel around his waste and water droplets dripping from his hair onto his forehead

'Cameron and your dad are here'


He gets changed and we walk downstairs

The food is all ready so we sit down

I tap my foot up and down

I do that when I'm nervous

Ethan grabs my hand and squeezes it like I did to him

We plate our food and start having a conversation

I sit there silently

But perk up when I start to warm up

Ethan's family seems like a loving and caring family

Which I know they are

So I have to interact and show that I'm good for Ethan to stay

They're very welcoming like my parents


After dinner Cameron and I help Lisa with the dishes

Once we are done I go to sit on the couch with Cameron

We are having a movie night

I know I'm going to be good friends with Cameron

We grab a bunch of blankets and just snuggle up with the blankets and pillow

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