Chapter 3

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"W-who's...who's the leading man? "

"It's Tsukishima"

Leading Lady(?)
Chapter 3 - Perfect


Was an initial reaction Yamaguchi showed, later followed by a flustered look.
Yamaguchi was stuck on his seat unmoving, his mind can't process properly by the thing Hinata had said.

'How on earth??.. Tsukki? He mean the Tsukki I know?... My best friend? and the person that....the person that I'm in love with?!'

His best friend, Tsukishima, haven't mentioned anything about him being the leading man of a play. Yamaguchi wasn't informed and either ready about this.

His mind is totally freaking out by now. Too many questions is popping out, too much to handle by a pure cinnamon like him. He felt as if in any minute he'll faint.

He heard a soft giggle beside him, he faced the laughing ginger with his face darker shade of red.

"Yamaguchi you look very shocked!" Hinata said suppressing his laughter. He breathed in and began smirking like an idiot.
"Yama has a feeling towards the salty guy~" he teases, Yamaguchi feel blood rush through his freckled face.
"N-no I don't! " he denied but Hinata just smirk at him evilly.

"Yamaguchi! " Hinata calls
"what? " Tadashi respond
"You see.... " Hinata lean closer into Yamaguchi's ears and whisper
"There will be a kissing scene right?~" he teases as Yamaguchi blushed another shades of red.

Thinking about kissing your crush felt something like--

"S-stop! " he ordered, Hinata is about to say something when someone interrupt him
"Oi shrimp! don't bother Yamaguchi, he will be practicing his lines now" the two male look up to see-
"T-Tsukki! " Yamaguchi exclaimed at the tall blonde towering them. Tsukishima only hummed in response to him.

Tsukishima looks over Hinata giving him glare that almost says:

Hinata stumbles and immediately ran away. Before Yamaguchi could ask, Tsukishima speaks, not looking at him.

"Daichi-san said you have to go to the dressing room" he said walking away. The freckled stands and follows Tsukishima close behind.

[Few minutes later]

Yamaguchi is memorising his lines while others are fixing his face, putting on make-up and such.

It isn't that hard memorising his lines since he's pretty familiar with the plot of the story. Even though that's the case Yamaguchi can't help but to feel anxious.

'What if I stutter?...what if I forget the line?....What if I mess everything up? '

He can't help but to think too much that cold sweat forms as he looks at the clock.

At exactly one hour he will perform...

He can feel his hands tremble, gripping tightly at the paper he is holding.

"Yamaguchi-san don't move, your make up will be ruined. I'm sure it'll be alright! " Kiyoko said patting Yamaguchi's shoulder.

Yamaguchi smiled and thanked the older. He felt a bit uncomfortable about his make up. He wants to wipe it off his face as it felt very itchy.

'Gosh this is hard' He thought

"It's done! " Kiyoko exclaimed that caught everyone in the room's attention.

They all looked at Yamaguchi with a hint of admiration in their eyes that makes him feel shy and uncomfortable.

"We'll be leaving you Yamaguchi, good luck! " Kiyoko said as they leave and close the door.

Yamaguchi looks up and face the mirror, he see his reflection and he almost drop his jaw.

'Is this really me? '

He is wearing an elegantly blue gown that magically fitted him as if it were made just for him. The gown was detailed with small white stars scattered around it.
His hair looks longer because of some hair extension that match his hair color, the middle part is braided and the ends were curled, his freckles were barely seen because of the concealer, his eyes highlights his soul a lot more with false lashes, his lips are red and overall he looks very beautiful.

A small knock interrupt his thoughts, he glanced only to see Tsukishima enter.

He looked at Yamaguchi. He stops as they lock eyes and immediately look away, pink painted Tsukishima's face.

The freckled cleared his throat, he embarrassingly ask the blonde

"H-how do I look? "

Tsukishima fixes his glasses, blushing madly and muttered the word

"...perfect "


a/n: I'm literally screaming right now
LOL I wanted to write that Tsukki answers to Yama's question is:

Yama: how do I look
Tsukki: with your eyes
Yama:*walks out*

But nah, that'll ruin the moment and haha btw this is a bit longer than the others ^_^

Ok enough with the chitchat have a nice day/night gaes, I hope you enjoyed my crap


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