A Stranger Appears

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"Sweet! Done!" Mutahar said out loud as he finished editing his next video for his deep web series. He stood and stretched the stiffness out of his back, yawning as he reached his hands toward the ceiling. Too long in that damn chair. He straightened up and made his way to the kitchen looking for sustenance.

On his way to the kitchen, he heard the rumblings of thunder and a bright flash of light lit up his windows. Ugh, I thought that storm had passed by now. Hope it doesn't flood this time. He cracked open his fridge and was in the process of pulling out items to make himself a sandwich when he heard someone banging on his front door. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and checked the time on his watch. It's 11:17.Who in the fuck would be here this late?

He shoved everything back into the fridge and went to his front door to check the peephole. His limited vision showed just the top of a bedraggled woman's head. I don't know her? He cautiously unlocked the door and inched it open. "Can I help you?"

The young woman was soaked from head to toe, no doubt from the storm that was currently raging outside and was doing her best to warm herself by wrapping her arms around her body and lightly bouncing in place. "Hi, um, ok, no I'm not crazy first of all, my car just broke down in the middle of the street," she rambled, teeth chattering as she pointed over her shoulder to the car with its hazards lights on behind her. "And I'm really screwed now because when I got out of the car, I also managed to drop my stupid phone in the street," she said, holding up her phone which had definitely seen better days.

Mutahar opened the door a bit wider, quickly checking the perimeter of the outside door just to see if it was a trap. "Um, is there anyone with you?" he asked cautiously.

The woman caught on to Muta's actions immediately, "No! I swear there's no one with me, I just really need to use a phone. Like seriously, I can just use it right here on the front porch. I just need to call my brother to come pick me up. Look, I even have ID I can show you if that would even make you feel better."

Mutahar took a moment to look at the woman a bit more. She stood maybe at 5'1, kind of average, definitely had a nice chest. Well, I think I can take her if she turns out to be insane. He opened the door wide enough to let her in. "You don't need to stand out in the rain to make a phone call. Come on inside, and I'll get you a towel."

The woman stepped into his home, and he shut and locked the door behind her. "Um, just hang here for a minute," he said, running to his bathroom to grab a towel. He came back and noticed the woman was also shaking. "Here, um, dry off what you can. Let me grab my cell, and you can make your phone call."

He turned back and went to his desk where he left his phone. Just as a side precaution, he pulled up his Twitch account and started streaming. He left a note in the chat box 'If I haven't gotten back to my computer within an hour, some chick murdered me and please call the police.' Not the way I would have liked to have done this, but better safe than sorry.

He walked back to the living room and noticed the woman had not moved from where she stood, albeit she wasn't as drippy as before. Seeing as she had made no move to move further into the house, Mutahar let his guard down just a little bit. "Here's the phone. Would you like something to drink? Like coffee or something?"

The woman gave him a weak smile. "Coffee would be awesome."

"Be right back then," Mutahar replied. He turned to walk to the kitchen, but the young woman stopped him.

"Um, sorry to stop you and all, but, uh, could you unlock the phone please?"

Mutahar went slightly red in the face at his mistake. Jesus dude, get your shit together! You have a stranger in your house, use your fucking brain!  "Sure, I'm so sorry about that." He quickly typed in his code and unlocked the phone. "I have more sense than this, think you might have caught me a little off guard."

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