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Update ( 25 / 02 / 18) : the deadline for entries due/winners announcement has been moved to next week. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hosted by: -stargazinq-

Before we begin, let's go over some simple rules:


R U L E S :

One entry per person
◊ Don't be rude and criticize others entries, they've worked hard
◊ Tag one person you'd think would be interested in joining


T H E  G R A P H I C :

Title: You Don't Love Me

Subtitle: We could've been forever (or you can choose something that you think relates to the title)

Mood: sad, lonely, heartbroken, ect

Ideas: on the cover, you could have something like a girl/boy crying. It can be anything but just make sure it relates to the the title.

Style: simple/manip (if you choose simple, please try to keep it simple and aesthetic)

Author: your username and ours


D E A D L I N E :

▹ Entries will be due on SUNDAY
( 04 / 03 / 18 )

► Winners will be posted MONDAY
( 05 / 03 / 18 )


P R I Z E S :


A permanent follow
2 comments on two of your books
2 Graphics of your choice
2 books of your choice added to my reading list


2 comments on one of your books
Graphic of your choice
Book of your choice added to my reading list


1 comment on one of your books
Book of your choice added to my reading list


D O N ' T  F O R G E T :

Tag us in your entry (@GucciGraphics) as well as me (-stargazinq-)

❧ If you have any questions, comment below

❧ And lastly, Good Luck!

Gucci Covers ContestWhere stories live. Discover now