Chapter One

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"Rise and shine sleeping beauty," my brother shouts as he throws open my door.
I raise a single eyebrow at him as his face falls, "of course you're already awake."
"Yeah, as you like to say, I wake up at the ass crack of dawn," I laugh, leaning down to tie by boots.
"Do you even sleep," he asks.
"Of course I sleep Owen," I chuckle.
He shakes his head, "whatever Mor, are you coming to see the raptors today or are you with Grey?"
"I have to go check up on Grey and then I'll be back for training," I tell him, standing up.
He turns to the kitchen, "ok then. I'll tell Delta she's second choice to you then."
"Whatever. You know Delta loves me more than you and your just jealous. And I love my girls equally." I shove his shoulder so he stumbles forward, he shouts a little. "I gotta get going, I'll see you later."
"Nope, not until you eat," he says, grabbing the back of my flannel and pulling me back.
I laugh and grab an apple taking a large bite, "happy? I'll grab some pancakes with Celeste at the cafe later if I'm hungry."
"Fine, but if you complain that you're hungry later I'll throw you in the cage," he jokes.
I roll my eyes, "sure you will. Bye Owen!"
"Bye," he shouts.
I run out to my truck, quickly getting in and starting her up. I back up onto the road and speed off towards the park.

"Hey, Mor," Elizabeth, my boss says as I approach her.
"Hey Liz," I smile, "how's she doin'"
She smiles back, "you got here just in time, we're about to feed her."
"Oh good, I'll head on up then," I say, running towards the stairs.
I run up the stairs, saying quick hellos to the usual workers as I pass. I get to the top of her cage and look down at my girl. Grey, my T-Rex.
She hears me and looks up at me.
"Heya Grey, how's my girl today," I ask.
She makes a short grumbling noise as if to answer me.
"Is that so?" I move towards the control panel and her head follows me. "Well, are you ready for breakfast?"
She again answers me, raising her head towards me and then back down, almost like a nod.
I raise my radio to my lips and press the call button, "hey Liz, is Grey's breakfast ready?"
"Yep," Liz answers, "and it looks like you've got a nice crowd in the observation area, give 'em a nice show."
"Does that mean I can-"
"No, Claire would have my head if I let you do that," Liz cuts me off.
"Come on Liz," I whine, "we've been practicing this, and she has yet to try to eat me."
"Yeah well she's hungry so I wouldn't put it past her," Liz points out.
"Fine," I grumble, pressing the button that will raise Grey's food, Grey's eyes almost light up with excitement.
The goat that is on the platform bah's, but Grey continues to look at me. I raise my hand, with two fingers raised. She holds, her muscels tensing. Then, I let my hand fall and she turns quickly towards the goat, a loud roar escaping her.
"Good show Mor," Liz says through the radio, "the crowd loves it."
"You know what they would love even more," I ask mischievously.
"Mor," Liz says lowly, "don't you dare."
"Come on, Claire doesn't need to know," I laugh, "please?"
I hear her sigh and I know I've won, "fine, but if she finds out, I'm throwing you under the bus."
I put the radio down and whistle, Grey's head turns towards me instantly. I hold up both my hands and then interlock them, she walks underneath the walk way where I stand in answer.
"We got this Grey," I say to her, and jump over the railing, onto her back.
The workers yell, and some ACU guys raise their guns towards Grey.
"No no no," I yell, "it's fine, trust me, I got this!"
Grey stays completely still, waiting for my order. We had spent countless nights with each other, she's my girl, she trusts me.
"Ok, Grey, let's go," I say to her.
She roars loudly as she takes a step forward, I laugh, "that's my girl!"
I stand on her back and walk towards her head, leaning down to pat her three times. I had trained her to follow the little taps, and three meant to take a left. She does, going towards where I knew the observation area was at but looked like a fallen tree to Grey and me.
I wave towards the window, at people who probably were freaking out behind it. I smiled to tell them that I was ok.
I tapped Grey two times to tell her to turn right, towards the gate, where I knew Liz was waiting for me. When we got there I tapped Grey four times and she stopped, lowering her tail to the ground for me to get off.
I walked down carefully and jumped to the ground when I was close enough to the ground. When I was off of her, Grey turned to me and lowered her head to me, pushing me gently.
"I gotta go, Grey," I laugh, petting her nose, "but I'll see you later, I promise."
She huffs, blowing air through her nose, but lets me pass her. She walks over me, watching me to make sure she doesn't step on me.
The gate opens just enough for me to walk through and then closes behind me. Liz stands there with her arms crossed.
"You are the most reckless girl I've ever me," she says, "you know that?"
I smile, "and that's why you love me!"
"Unfortunately," she laughs, "you better get to Owen before I change my mind and decide to kill you."
I laugh loudly, "whatever Liz, I'll see you later."
All she does is shake her head and turn away from me. I stick my tongue out at her and walk towards my truck. Now, I get to go see Delta, my other girl.

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