Chapter Ten

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We drive into the park, following Owen. The truck comes to a stop and we instantly climb out, Zach jumping down first and then helping Gray. I jump down after him and we run around the side.
"Come on," Claire says to us.
We rush to catch up with them. We rush up the steps and into the visitors center.
"Control room," Claire yells, "that way!"
We run in the direction she pointed at running to the lab area. Slowly, we come to a stop.
"They evacuated the lab," Claire says.
She takes a step towards an off room that was open and we follow her. I hold onto Zach's hand tightly, preparing myself for any sort of bad thing to happen.
We walk into the room and see all different kinds of lab equipment and animals in cages. I look around in confusion, this wasn't like the normal stuff they used for the dinosaurs, this is where they made the Indominus.
A door opens and I push Gray and Zach behind me. A few men walk in, placing things into coolers.
"What are you doing," Claire asks.
"I'm afraid that's above your pay grade, honey," Hoskins says, walking towards us.
A low growl like noise slips from my throat at the sight of him, he caused all of this.
"Where's Henry," Claire demands.
"Dr. Wu, he works for us," Hoskins says.
Gray steps out from behind me, looking towards a screen, "that's not a real dinosaur."
"No, it ain't, kid," Hoskins says, "but somebody's gotta make sure this company has a future. Imagine! That one, a fraction of the size, deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology. A living weapon, unlike anything we've ever seen. You see, millions of years of evolution, what did we learn? Nature it the gift that just-"
Suddenly Delta jumps into the room, snarling and snapping.
"Oh shit," Hoskins yells.
We all back away from her as she sets her sights on him.
"Easy," Hoskins says, "easy boy. Easy, hey hey. We're, on the same side, right? Right?"
He puts his arm out like Owen does, "easy. I'm on your side."
That's the thing, nature only has two sides, predator, and prey. Delta bites into his arm, enticing a loud scream from Hoskins. We run out of the lab, Hoskins screams going quiet after a few seconds.
"No, boys. Boys, this way, come on," Claire yells, redirecting the boys who lead us.
We start running in the direction she told us to go but Delta smashes through the glass, landing in our way. I have to pull Zach backward so he doesn't fall straight into her. I turn quickly and pull him and Gray the other direction.
We run through the holograph area and Gray turns one on, which distracts Delta. We run through the front doors, Owen in front and Claire behind. We go down the steps but Blue jumps in front of us. Delta comes out of the doors with a screech. Echo comes out of nowhere and we are surrounded.
"That's how it is," Owen asks Blue.
She snarls at him and takes a step closer to him. He slowly sets down his gun.
I give Delta a pleading look, "Delta, it's me."
She snaps at me, but it's hesitant. I raise my hand towards her, Zach's hand tightens around my other one.
"Easy easy," I hear Owen say to Blue, "easy."
"Delta," I whisper lovingly to her, "my girl."
I reach my hand out to her. I remember the first time I pet her, I sat with my hand by the bars for hours, letting her sniff me. Three hours, it took three hours, but she finally put her head against the bars and let me touch her.
"I waited for you once," I tell her, "and I'll wait for you again."
She stares at me a moment longer and then she chirps, pressing her snout into my palm.
I smile, "that's my girl."
I slowly reach up and unclip the camera strap, letting it fall harmlessly to the ground. Suddenly, the Indominus' loud growling sounds out as it takes thundering steps towards us. Delta takes a small step in front of me which makes Zach and Gray take one back.
The Indominus stops in front of us, roaring, making loud raptor noises. Blue turns her head back to us, hissing slightly, but as soon as they land on Owen, she stops. She knew who her Alpha was.
Blue turns back to the Indominus and roars in defiance. The Indominus roars back swinging its tail at her and knocking her into a building, knocking her out cold. It turns its gaze back on us.
Delta roars towards Owen, Echo copying her, they were ready for orders. I give Delta one last pat on her side and then Owen whistles. The girls run and jump on the Indominus, and we run.
Zach and Gray lead the way into a small gift shop, jumping over the counter inside. Claire and I follow while Owen shoots the Indominus.
"24, 50," Gray whispers to himself and then says louder, "we need more."
"More what," Claire asks him.
"Teeth," he answers, "we need more teeth."
I look at him and my eyes widen as he nods. I grab a radio of off the wall and a flare from a first aid kit.
I go to jump over the counter and Claire grabs my arm, "what are you doing?"
I look at her and whisper, "Grey."
She lets go of my arm and I go to leave, but I stop. I turn around to walk over to Zach.
"On the very likely chance that I don't make it back, I want to do this while I still can," I say, pulling him into me for a short kiss.
He is shocked but kisses me back instantly. I pull away and then I'm running, jumping over the counter and bolting. I watch the fight for a second and see Echo get thrown into a grill, which explodes. Then, the Indominus bites down on Delta and throws her.
"Delta," I scream, my heart lurching painfully.
I can't stop though, everyone's lives are in my hands now. I run down a path that I have had memorized for three years now.
"Lowery, are you still there," I ask into the radio.
"Where are you," he asks.
"You need to open paddock 9," I tell him.
"Paddock 9," he asks, "you kidding?"
"She's our last hope Lowery," I tell him, tears of grief running down my cheeks, "I got this."
The gate starts to slowly open and I hear her growling. I hated that I had to use her like this, but there is no other choice. The gate opens all the way and she takes thundering steps towards me.
"Hey there Grey," I smile sadly at her, "ready for a show?"
She makes a small noise and I laugh sadly, "ok if we don't make it out of this, I want you to know I love you ok?"
She leans down to me, sensing my sadness.
I kiss her on the snout, "let's play follow the light, hm? I know it's your favorite."
I light up the flare and begin running back to the Main Street. Grey follows behind me with a loud roar.
I hear the Indominus before I see it, but when I see it, it is attacking the gift shop. I run into the Main Street, throwing the flare at the Indominus.
Grey slams through a fake skeleton and roars, I fall and Grey steps in front of me protectively. The Indominus roars back at her, forgetting the snack she was previously perusing.
The two face off against each other, roaring as they started to run to each other. They collide and Grey gets the first bite. They fight for dominance and I crawl out of their path. The Indominus starts to gain the upper hand and Grey falls to the ground.
I get behind some rocks as the Indominus slams Grey into the shack. My eyes meet Owen's, then Zach's and I look at them fearfully, seeing the fight about to crush them.
They run out of the hole that was made just in time for the Indominus to slam Grey down on top of the shack.
I scream, "Grey!"
Everyone hides behind the rocks with me. Grey lets out an agonized roar and I scream with her.
The Indominus walks towards her ready to take the killing bite.
Zach has to wrap his arms around me to keep me from running to her. I cry as the Indominus gets closer.
Then, a raptor call sounds out, stopping the Indominus. We all look up to see Blue running towards the fight. She growls and hisses as she jumps onto the Indominus. This gives Grey the chance to get up as Blue dug into the Indominus' back. Grey bites its throat, slamming it into a building. Blue jumps from the Indominus' back onto Grey's and then back onto the Indominus to attack again.
We run from our hiding spot as they grow closer to us, Zach basically having to carry me away because I didn't want to leave my girl. We run into the shops, Zach setting me down so I could run as well.
Blue gets thrown through the glass in front of us but jumps right back into the fight. We continue running to the end of the shops and stop when Grey's foot comes in front of us.
I watch as Grey gets underneath the Indominus and lifts it up, throwing it into a building. Then she turns and throws it to the ground. Blue attack's its head and Grey slams it into the ground, Blue gets thrown to the side but Grey throws the Indominus towards the Mosasaurus fence, smashing through it.
The Indominus stands back up, facing off against Grey and Blue. It roars, but so does the Mosasaurus. She jumps out of the water and bites the Indominus around the neck. It struggles to get out of her hold but it's no use. The Mosasaurus drags the Indominus into the water submerging it completely.
We all watch from the shops, Zach and I holding onto each other. Grey turns towards us, towards me. I take a step out of Zach's arms but he holds tight to my hand. Grey looks down at us and huffs.
"Thank you," I say to her.
She nods her head as a you're welcome.
"Go," I say to her, "you're free."
She gives me one last long look and turns away from us. She walks away weakly and tears form in my eyes, this is the last time I'll see her.
I look away from her as Zach hugs me again. I wrap my arms around him as well, I lost both of my girls today.
Blue looks at Owen, tilting her head. They seem to have a silent conversation as he shakes his head. She slowly turns away, slowly beginning to run down the Main Street. We walked out to the middle of the street to watch her.
She looked like she was going to turn right when a weak sounding raptor noise sounded out and she turned that way. My heart lept, Delta? I want to go see but Owen stops me with a shake of his head. He's right, we needed to get out of here.
I look back longing for her as Zach pulls me to walk with the rest of them. I heard her, she's ok.

I waited with Zach, Gray, and Claire in a large warehouse full of people. Owen had left to do something that I'm not quite sure what. All he told me was to wait here and then he was gone.
I was completely exhausted, we all were. When we got here we were all treated for minor wounds, mostly cuts, and scratches. I had to have a few pieces of glass removed from my arm. Now, we wait for their parents.
Gray was laying in Claire's lap and Zach and I were laying on the other side of the bench. I had my head rested against his chest and his arms rested loosely around me. He was playing with my insanely messy hair.
"We survived," I whisper to him, less a statement and more a question.
"Yeah," he whispers back, "we did."
"God, this all seems so surreal," I chuckle.
"What's so surreal about it," he laughs, "you worked with dinosaurs for a living."

-Zach's pov-
She chuckles, "yeah, the dinosaurs aren't what made it surreal. It's surreal because during all of this hell, somewhere and somehow along the way, I developed feelings for a guy I only met earlier today."
My body tenses, my arms tightening around her automatically, "really? You have feelings for me?"
She nods her head and looks up at me. I stare at her bright emerald green eyes. The look like they hold an endless emerald flame. There is a small ring of gold right around her pupils, the golden sun. God, she was beautiful. Physically she was gorgeous, hot, but she, she was beautiful. She was beautiful because she was smart, strong, kind, patient, she was all the things anyone could ever wish to be.
Her eyes glance down at my lips and I remember the feel of hers on them. She had kissed me when she thought there was a chance she might die. It was short, but I felt every single emotion I could have at that moment.

-Mor's pov-
His eyes study me as if this was the last time he'd get to look at me.
"Mor," he whispers, "I-"
Claire gasps next to us, "oh my god, it's your parents. It's your parents."
I push myself off of Zach quickly to let him sit up, our words could wait, his families could not.
Zach stands up and rushes to his parents. Gray runs into his mom's embrace and Zach into his dad's.
I watch the reunion with a sweet smile, they were finally safe. We may have escaped the park and gotten rid of the Indominus, but there was no safer place than in your parent's arms.
I see Owen and Claire walk towards each other and I smile even more. Those two were perfect for each other.
I hear Gray cough pointedly at someone and look over at them. He's looking towards Zach with a knowing look. Zach looks over at me and catches my eyes. He smiles and tells his parents he'll be right back.
I stand up as he walks over to me. He stops in front of me, only a few inches away.
"Mor," he whispers, "I have feelings for you too."
"You do," I ask, looking deeper into his eyes as if I'd be able to see those feelings.
He nods, "and that's why I want to do this."
He leans in slowly, time freezes. To slow. I reach my hand up to his neck and pull him to me.
Our lips meet and I'm able to let myself feel it, unlike the first kiss we shared. There was no fireworks, no sparks, but something warm. It felt like curling up underneath several blankets next to a warm fire when, outside, there is a blizzard. The warmth was safe, comforting, sweet, blissful, it was everything I hoped it would be.
His arms were around my waist, mine were around his neck. We parted, leaning our foreheads against the others.
I look at him and he looks at me, and I know, this is the start of our story, not the end.

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