It's too late

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Alfred laid on the ground in the alleyway. Slowly, he was able to pull himself up so he was leaning against the wall. 

'All I wanted was to take the shortcut... I wanted to see my Kiku...I had the ring...' Bounced around his head. Alfred leans over and coughs harshly, blood splashing into his hand. The people who shot him had already left. 

What got him into this mess was that Alfred wasn't paying attention. He had walked straight into a turf war between two rival gangs. They didn't want witnesses so they both shot him and ran. The sun was beginning to set while sweat began to bead on his forehead. Frowning, Alfred had taken off his jacket and held it tightly to his wounds. Alfred was missing dinner with Kiku by now.

1, 2, 3, 4 by Plain White T's began to play through the alley. Coughing again, Alfred answered his phone. "Hey keeks..." Alfred moved the phone and groaned quietly. 

"Herro Arfie, where are you? You said you were on your way an hour ago...You said you had a question for me?"

Alfred laughed quietly, "Babe, yeah but that's not important. How was your day? What did you do? Oh, how's the manga coming along, the deadline's soon?"

The smile was clear in Kiku's voice as he chuckled quietly. "Good, nothing important happened. I've been working on my manga arr day. I arso am armost done with the manga. It's has to be done in three days. Are you on your way? I think I'm going to make dinner for us tonight. So, I think I might go and do that..."

Alfred's eyes widened "NO! I mean don't go. I wanna talk to you for a while longer. How's the sakura tree doing and our garden?"

"Are you okay brossom? Do you want me to come get you? Where are you?"

Alfred sighs "No it's okay babe. Just tell me how our garden and tree is doing. Everything's perfectly fine."

Alfred put more pressure on his wounds with his jacket still firmly in his hand, his knuckles white with the amount of force he's gripping his jacket with. He looks down at his jacket and sees that he's begun to bleed through his jacket. Sighing, he gasps before turning and coughing harshly, splattering the ground next to him in blood. Blood dribbles down the corner of his mouth and down his chin. Alfred's ears begin to ring and he faintly hears "Brossom, you there? You're sure your okay?" 

"Yeah, babe, listen I gotta go soon. I'm running out of time. I love you and I don't think I will be able to ask my question. Just know I love you Kiku." 

Alfred begins to have tears stream down his face while he holds his jacket tighter. "I rove you too Arfred. Why are you tarking rike this? But, I rove you so so much brossom. I gotta cook dinner and feed the pets. I'rr see you when you get home. I rove you, bye."

"I love you kiku, see you later. bye."

After Kiku hangs up, Alfred begins coughing and falls onto his side with the force. Landing in his small puddle of blood and continues coughing his body shaking due to the force. After falling Alfred fumbles around his pockets grabbing the small velvet box, he squeezes it tightly in his free hand. He wheezed in breaths between coughing fits. Finally, it all stopped. His hands went slack and his eyes stared wide open, unseeing, at the entrance of the alley. 

Kiku turned on the news while sitting, worriedly, on the couch. Breaking news flashed across the screen. 


Alfred's picture had shown up next to the headline. Kiku gasped and began to tear up while the house phone had begun to ring. "Herro?"

"Is this Mr. Kiku Honda?"

"This is...."

"I'm sorry, and I'm sure you've already seen but...Mr. Jones was found dead a half an hour ago. We just got him back to the station but we're gonna need you to come down to the station."

Kiku quickly made it to the station and sat down in front of the officer. "Yes, What did you find?"

"I'm sorry for your loss. You were his boyfriend, correct?"

Kiku nods quietly wiping his tears.

"It seems that Mr. Jones had an engagement ring in his hand when we found him. It was still in the box. The bullets had punctured his right lung in two places. He used his jacket to slow the bleeding. But, it would have taken around five minutes for him to bleed out. His phone showed that he never called 911 and his last call was with you."


Hey guys Bela here. I finally got this chapter up! I nearly cried while writing this. I'm sorry if it's not the best or extremely accurate. Anyway, next chapter will be up in a while. It'll Prucan. But I saw the writing prompt for this and wanting to write something heartbreaking. Its 12:16 at night so goodnight imma go to bed. 


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