Chapter One

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Chapter One

Dear C.J,

My name is Katherine and I am stuck between a WWWIII battle between my mom and my fiancé.I love them both dearly which makes this whole situation hard to deal with. My mom doesn't like my fiancé's attitude and my fiancé doesn't like my mothers. Having both dominate personalities collide only makes the situation harder, with the added on problem of both of them being stubborn..What should I do? Please help me come out of this turmoil.-LadyKatherine12

Dear Katherine,

I believe that you should just invite them both to dinner to have a much needed conversation.Tell your mom that she needs to understand that this is your fiancé whom you love, and plan to spend your life with. She needs to accept it. While your fiancé needs to remember that this is your mother and that he should most definitely have some respect, even if she is making it hard for him.

Your mother loves you and only wishes to protect you, no harm in that. They both should just talk it out and then maybe at the end they'll realize just how much they have in common. Family should never fight. Hope my advice was helpful and to hear from you soon.

-C.J,blog columnist.

"If only you were able to cure your own problems.", Shay said sadly scaring the shit of me, making me scream out in a soprano key ."Wow, you have the looks and the voice. Beautiful.", she said clapping, then removing one hand away from the other to wipe an invisible tear away.

"I have no problems.", I retorted, while she decided to completely ignore me and instead make up her own little dance between twirling like a ballerina and pop, locking, and dropping it to the floor.

I, on the other hand, chose to ignore her in return, along with her weird ways. Continuing to type away to other people that needed my advice. I've always wondered if people would still ask for my help even if they knew how unhelpful I was to my own problems? And my problems most definitely couldn't even compare to others. I was just simply dealing with a heartbreak-from being left at the alter by a man I thought loved me-but a heartbreak nonetheless.While others dealt with having tragedies of people dying or trying to please their masochist partners, that was something I would like to not get into.

I still couldn't begin to understand how people could even accept their partners causing them pain. And the fact that they were hurting in the process trying to deal with it just brought tears to my eyes.That was real love, true love, that only seemed to happen less and less each day.

"Darling, I hate to break it to you,but you do and you need to let the past go.",she said softly."I know you're hurt, I can see it in your whole aura, which screams depressed, it happened three years ago, time to move on."

But that was just it, I couldn't move on,our commitment was signed to last forever. And even if he forgot that, I didn't. Love isn't when you only feel those deep feelings for a person for awhile then once an obstacle appears -him leaving, in this case- gets in the way you replace it with anger. That's not love, love is not just expecting to have it spoon fed to you and live happily ever after, you have to fight for it and win them back.

"Maybe I can't or maybe I am in denial that he didn't want to be with me.I don't know.",I said. For once letting my vulnerability get the best of me."All I know is that I don't want to give up on him."

Every time an opportunity of making a wish presented itself to me, I took it. And no matter the doubts that swarmed around in my head, they weren't enough to keep me from making the same wish each time, for him to come back, for fate to give us a second chance, for us to make things the way they were supposed to be. What did not seeing him for three years do? Except maybe not give me closure.

I didn't care if people tried to say the closure was him running away from the alter..and me.That wasn't a message of closure, it was more like a fear of something that he couldn't bear long enough to stand it.I don't know,maybe I am just looking for an excuse to reason with his unknown explanation or that I just really desperately want him back.

But what would you do if the one you thought was going to stand by your side like they said they would, just one day ran away leaving all that was once supposedly going to be their future? Could you possibly keep a grudge that long?

What happened to being there for them too, even through all the problems? Does that all just change once the problems actually began to start and you're trying to solve them like you promised?

All these question you once thought you could just put aside because they couldn't possibly happen, but then at the end you get stuck with them anyways. Whose fault was that? Theirs? Their fault for doing the thing they warned you they would do? These questions began to  jumble in my head, making me think longer than the mere 1 minute I expected them to last.

"Ugh finally you're out of it,I was wondering when that stupid look you made would disappear from your face.",Shay whined laying upon my work desk. Always the drama queen.

"Yea, uhm I think a need a break.",I said rubbing both hands over my face.I felt completely drained over getting mind blown. It was like that one time in the movie Paul where Simon Pegg seen the whole universe flash before his eyes from Paul touching his finger to his head. Again,mind blown.

"Finalllyyyy.",Shay cheered."Let's go to the café.",she said linking her arm in mine, with that gleeful smile on her face.

If only I was able to be that happy too, Shay truly made me feel envy whenever I was near her. She was stress free, with really no need to be depressed..While I was completely the opposite.What happened to my happiness??

It drifted away when the important piece of my heart got lost..

AN:Feedback plz?!? Thanks guys! No update until I do get feedback!

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