Looking After the Harrison Boys : Chapter Three

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After with what happened with Zane earlier on today, I couldn’t seem to bring myself away from the terrible feelings that formed in my stomach. Maybe just maybe, I shouldn’t have gotten all up in his face and slapped him (although they weren’t painful ones or anything but still) or acted the way I did, probably acted way to immature for someone who was supposedly meant to be ‘twenty- one’ or called him a ‘big boy’.

I groaned inwardly as the replays of my actions played over and over again in my mind. What was I honestly thinking? Was I trying to make my life so much harder by creating enemies?

I blocked out Wilmer’s voice and immediately began thinking of ways to approach and apologise to Zane. I needed to makes things easy and breezy between us. I couldn’t afford any tension, anger or any of those sorts of feelings around us. After all, I will be working at his household, looking after him and his brothers for a while, possibly for a couple months or so. Not that it’s already awkward or anything.

“…You are prohibited around this hallway and all the rooms in it.”

My hearing suddenly perked up, my thoughts on pause, and I focused my attention to Wilmer who had a very dead-on-serious look on her face and had a finger pointing to somewhere.


I blinked and followed where her finger was pointing at. Expecting the hallway to appear somewhat rather scary and dodgy like in those weird horror films, it was the complete opposite.

It was well lit, very, very clean and well, looked just like every other hallway in the mansion-sized house except for one thing. This hallway had something dark and mysterious lurking in the atmosphere and it freaked the heck out of me.

Why was I prohibited around this hallway?

I took a cautious eye around the hallway, looking for anything strange and out of place, but there was none. It was…perfectly normal.

Someone must’ve died here, I suggested. Or probably someone was murdered here. Or maybe there was a dead body hidden inside one of the rooms and they didn’t want anyone, me, to find out!

“Amelia, are you alright?”

It must be one of those otherwise why was I be prohibited around this hallway and not any others? Maybe I shouldn’t have willingly accepted to apply for this job. Maybe – No, no I was I saying? This job was –

Oh jolly Jason me!

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest when Wilmer suddenly appeared in front me, her eyes filled with worry and concern. I let out a startled gasp and patted my rapidly beating chest, trying to calm myself down.

I’m getting way too ahead of myself, thinking of all these ridiculous things. What was wrong with me? 

Wilmer placed her hand on my shoulder and a look of regret rose on her face. “Oh I’m so sorry, my dear. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

As I continued patting my chest, I let out an assured but strained laugh. “No, no, no! It’s fine. I’m fine! Everything’s fine. This whole thing is fine. Fine, fine, fine, fine!”  

A second or two later after what I’d said, I realised how idiotic and crazy I sounded with the amount of times I said ‘fine’ in one breathe. I gave myself a mental slap on the head and prayed that Wilmer was not already regretting her decision of picking me amongst – I presume – the many brilliant applicants that applied for this job.

Get yourself together already!

I felt a gentle pat on my shoulder and noticed Wilmer was smiling. “I’m glad to hear you’re fine, Amelia. Shall we continue?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2012 ⏰

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