Ok guys this part is about to get sorta graphic and sorry for the words i might use.......
Like in my entire life the most people ive had that actually cares is like fucking 5
Now im down to 3 including fake friends
So this shit is like super fucked up
If there where words for what i feel rn they wouldnt even bet bad enough just like holy fucking flying flaming shit birds on fucking crackLike what the fuck i fucking suck at this shit isnt there like a fucking restet button cuz this game fucking sucks jesus fucking christ
Howd things get so fucked up just wtf these people think it's hilarious to fucking joke about my god damn flaws when they spend each fucking night crying cus theyre goddamn parents dont even know they exist *cough cough* damien and youre retarded fucking friends just WHAT THE FUCK !!!!!!! You think its fucking funny to shove a kid down the fucking stars and laugh!?!?!?!?!?!?!? FUCK YOU AND THE FUCKING RETARDED MOTHER THAT PUSHED YOU OUT IF ITS NOT FUCKING SATAN!!!!!! All of you can go burn in hell!!!!
I hope you get into a fucking car crash and watch as youre family burns to death infront of you and i hope you fucking survive it so YOU can wake up un a puddle of fucking sweat and tear