first wound

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I run terrified of the department in where I lived with my mother. I could not bear the horrible scene. My mother, thrown in the flat, marked of blood and everything by my fault, I had killed it without mercy. In my mind has passed more than an hour after having committed that horrible crime, but follow running, can not detain me or perhaps do not want to do it. Have fear that they reach me the alaridos of pain that issued my mother before dying.

Only because something in my interior says me that it detain me do it, although I find me in an alley that when seeming is the place of meeting of several bands of criminals. I look with attention all the place treating to keep the calm and find a place to sleep, the sun already is hiding.

— Of what escape boy? — It says a voice rasposa behind me. I do not move me. I seat so much fear that have the body paralysed.

— I have seen to many like you? They see, explain me your history, perhaps can help you — goes back to say the voice behind me, but this time in a more pleasant tone. I have me volteado, but even seat fear in my interior.

—They see seat you to my side —says the old barbudo and harapiento that now can see with clarity while I approach to him.

— What was what did? —It asks me the old, since I find me seated to his side.

—I killed to my mother —say him without any expression in my face.

— How you killed to your mother? —It asks me the old, without signal of surprise in his face. It seems that it already knows all what has sucedido, but wants to listen it of me.

—I do not know it, memory have been killing it since I were nine years old.

—Explain me all with detail, as I said you perhaps can help you —says me the a bit insistent gentleman.

I do not have strengths for nothing, wish to close the eyes to escape of everything, but not even this can do, only fix my sight to the at all. I do not know how, but I have begun to explain him my history to this mysterious gentleman and no longer can detain me.

My mother and I lived in Dominican Republic. Never I knew to my dad, but this did not matter me, because had the best mum of the bolita of the world, this is what I said him always to all my mates of school. Especially to my best fellow José, shared it everything, even die the same day, because when I killed it all the well of my life died with him. This day my mother asked him to the mum of José that it left it sleep in our house, since it was my birthday number nine. We were so happy, am sure that that went the last time that experienced happiness. My mother did us some espaguetis to dine, memory that in our innocence take a cup with espagueti and use it as if it was hair. We laugh us as never, but to my mother did not like him that and commanded us to sleep. They were to penalties the nine of the night, so we did not have dream.

—Eduardo, these sleeping? —It asked me José whispering so that my mother did not listen it.

— —I did not answer him, although it already began to give me dream.

—We go to play to the fights —said me and gave me a strong hit in the back.

—No, already it is me giving dream, better tomorrow —answered him.

— If we do not play do not go to go back to play with you —said me in shape of catchword.

—It is well —I said him and I pushed it so strong that fell of the bed. The two laugh us a lot, ours last laugh. After this he raised of the floor and threw me to the flat and here begin to struggle. He threw me in the bed and I threw it even more strong, but did it only in the bed not to give us a bad hit. Everything went well until I held it by the neck to do a key of fight, went it to throw on the bed, but slipped and his head fell in the flat. Only I listened a crujido. When seeing that my fellow did not react and his extremities were upwards tried to move it, but was rigid, afterwards said that the crujido that I had listened was the one of his neck when breaking , but now know that it was not this, am safe that that was my life that began to shatter . In that then when seeing to my fellow in this condition ran to where was my mum. It could not mentir, said him to my mother drowned in crying that I had killed to my fellow. At the beginning it did not believe me, so it ran to the room to see what was happening and here saw to my fellow thrown, with the hands and feet to the air. It was a disturbing scene perturbadora that still does not leave me sleep by the nights. I looked crying as crazy like my mother treated to load to José to the bed.

— Shut up and go you to my chamber! — I memory that shouted me my desperate mother. Afterwards of this called to the mum of José. My mother already knew that he was died, she was doctor. I remember that the mum of José cried of a form so baffling that I went out of the chamber of my mum and said him everything, was the worst moment, but I could not lie and knew what had done.

— Forgive me lady, I killed him!... I threw it to the flat and gave very hard in the head —after this I went back  running to the room of my mum. I do not know if the mum of José listened me, but in the morning of the following day my mother and I were taking an aeroplane to Holland. After this never went back to be the same. She treated to be affectionate with me, but could not. I went from bad to worse in the school and she could not achieve work like doctor, so it had to conform with working in the cleaning of a hospital, everything by me. Gentleman, both were died, but had to pretend that even we followed with life.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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