Chapter 3- The Morning After...

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I woke up stretched across my bed with the covers all messed up over me. It looked like I had the worst night sleep of my life. And in fact I did. I couldn’t help but hate the fact that Aiden knew that I took drugs, I couldn’t help but worry that he was going to start telling and that I would have to try to explain myself. 

That was one thing that I hated- trying to explain myself to people, as I never really trust people- its who I am, a part of my personality apart of my nature. When I did explain things it seems like no one can ever understand and feel the same way, that I’m just wasting my breath telling them something which they would forget or not care about. 

I turned my head and looked at my alarm clock. It was already 1pm- a Saturday morning. My windows were still open as I never bothered to close them. After Aiden flushed the drugs down the toilet all I could do was wallow to myself. 

I thought that I should stop wallowing and take action! I needed to show Aiden that I didn’t care and that I could do what I wanted. That I was incharge of what I did and didn’t do. I slowly made my way up from my bed and walked over to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. 

God I look awful I thought to myself. 

I washed my face with Ice cold water. I needed my brain to wake up. I just felt slow and unresponsive. I slipped on a pair of chinos and a multicolour top and some brackets and headed downstairs to find something to eat and then something to do with my day that didn’t involve staying in the house with Aiden. 

I try to make myself seem in the best mood to show Aiden that I wasn’t affected by what he did. So I floated into the kitchen and made myself some toast. 

"Afternoon Lottie" Charlie said politely 

"Hi" I responded cheerfully

I took the toast from the toaster as soon as it pinged up. And started to eat it quickly. 

"So where is Aiden?" I asked. I didn’t really want to put this act on for nothing. 

"Gone out to the supermarket to buy some food, I told him that its best that he stayed away from you for a while. Well at least until you are fully awake and in a better mood. But It seems as if you are very happy this morning" Charlie answered 

I finished the toast very quickly, and then decided to go and get something to drink so I took the orange juice from the fridge and pored myself a glass. 

I felt a vibration in my pocket and took my phone out to see what it was. 

New message 


Hey what’s up girl! 

Chris is throwing a party later at his house, he asked me if you and me wanted to come. Are you in?

Of course you are - you NEVER say no to a good get together if you get what I mean. 

Pick you up at 4pm

Chris was an ex boyfriend of mine we went out for about a year and we had a fairly serious relationship. Well serious for 2 teens of the wagon. We took drugs, drank and had sex. We never really took much real notice of each other’s feelings as we were always high and drunk. But that was back when I did have Charlie , was with some old couple fostering me. 

Kate was right I never say no to a get together. I texted her back saying see you then. 

I looked up at Charlie and he stared back at me properly wondering what the text said. 

"Going to a party tonight, don’t wait up" 

Charlie just looked at me for a short while and then just nodded to me. 

I rushed upstairs sorting out my outfit, makeup and hairstyle of the party. That took me ages! 

It was only half an hour now until the party! I took a long time sorting out my makeup and hair and then just slung on a lacey dress which I bought ages ago, it was very pretty but very short, I should get some attention from  it. I placed on my feet some killer high heels and made my way downstairs to the door. 

I heard the honk of Kate’s Car and shouted bye to Charlie. I turned to leave the house and a muscular body stood in front of me. 

"Where are you off you?" Aiden asked with some shopping bags in his arms 

"To a get together" I answered happily so that he would see how unaffected I was of last night. Hoping that it would bug him but it sadly didn’t. 

"Is that druggie talk for getting high altogether?" he whispered which was disapproving.

I just looked at him sternly, and then answered "It's just a party, have you ever been to one" I snapped. 

"Right so you do drug and get drunk! I don’t think you should go you've just got yourself of the drugs don’t go onto another bad thing Lottie" she whispered again 

"No I didn’t go off them you made me. And I'm going weather you like it or not" I snapped angrily and then walked out of the door just avoiding his grasp of his hand , and then I quickly ran into Kate’s car. 

Kate drove off quickly seeing that I wanted to get away quick. And I looked over to the side mirror to see Aiden standing in the middle of the road just watching us leave. 

"Hey, What time does the party start them?" I greeted and questioned happily

"7pm, I thought we could hang around the park for a while, to get all amped up" she answered cheerfully

She drove up over to the local park and we sat on the old abondoned swings which looked like they were going to break any second. Kate took out a bottle of whiskey which she had in her coat pocket and handed it to me. "Thanks" I said and took a swig from the bottle. 

I looked straight ahead of me and saw a cute large blonde figure coming towards us. 

"Great, wicked witch Leah is here!" Kate said jokingly but in spite. 

"Look, I need some stash" She said directed towards me. 

"I don’t have any, and why would I give you mine" I said back rudely 

"Look, bitch I know you have some on you, you always do the school rebel and all, so just give me some and I won’t say a word" 

"Excuse me!" I snapped 

I hated when people thought that they knew who people were and called them names. I truly didn’t see what Chris saw in her, she wasn’t the best looking girl, she was quite weighty and she didn’t have great looks. The only good thing about her was that her family was loaded and because of that she became to be in the popular crowd. 

She then made her way closer to me and started to rummage through my pockets. 

"Fuck off!" I shouted and pushed her away. My anger and the alcohol starting to get the best of me. 

"Give me it! NOW!" she demanded 

"I told you once already! Get it into you thick skull!" at that moment I slapped her head. I was so angry now and the alcohol didn’t really help right now. 

I could see that angry was in her now. 

"You know Chris takes about you, how you were just his bit on the side. You're no clever than me! Why don’t you get it in your thick skull!" she then took the bottle from Kate and smashed it around my head. I insanely was knock to the ground as my eyes closed sudden.... 


Hi guys please vote and put a comment bellow telling me what you think and of any ideas of what could happen :D 

thanks for readin :D


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2012 ⏰

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