Chapter 2

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(A/N) Changed the cover , last one was terrible xD Credits to the great artist who made this , you are amazing .


  Nakume often waited in the tunnels after he was gone. Even though she knew he won't be back again that day . For some reason , his echoing screams were better for her than leaving the tunnel and getting farther away from the Zoldyck's mansion . She wanted to wait until it stopped . Or she knew well she wouldn't be able to sleep late at night . 

One night when they were eleven , the clock striking midnight synchronizing with the shriek of Illumi as a bolt of pain shot through his mutilated back , he was left alone in the dim lighted room . Finally  . He was being taught how to bear pain in all places . It was his back's turn that night . Bruises and cuts and blood . He panted and cursed and yelled in pain . He wished over a thousand times he could pass out but nothing happened . His tears rushed down his sweaty face , the tears he had been hardly holding back for when he'll be alone . His lips were smudged with blood mostly from the continuous biting on them . He was excited to be an assassin at first...he wanted to be as strong as his parents and grandpa , but this was too much . He really wanted to die , right here , right there . 

  The sound of footsteps startled him . He couldn't deny that he feared his family , every one of them . Maybe Grandpa Zeno was the one he liked the most . He knew those weren't Gotoh's footsteps either . His heart pounded against his chest , he lowered his head down , his hair sliding over his face hiding all the tears and his blotched face , his swollen eyes . He heard the squeak of the door opening followed by the thud of it closing . The footsteps were careful but rushed , like that person was running to him . 

He heard a whisper . A familiar whisper . And relief washed over him at once . 
"N-Nakume ?" Illumi hadn't lifted his face up yet . 

"Illumi-kun! Are you okay ?!" She untied his hanged left arm where he sat . His muscles were so sore . She sat next to him on that floor he always hated . It held all the pathetic moments he felt . 

"What are you doing ? You can't be here . Are you really that stupid ?" Illumi knew he was right , she shouldn't be at the Zoldyck's mansion . She was risking their friendship that way , moreover , she was risking her life . Who knew what they would do if they figured there was an intruder in the house . But...Illumi was happy she was here , he was grateful that she came . He wanted her to stay with him all the time , he said those words when he felt the exact opposite . 

"I know , but it was so quiet . I guess they already slept right ? You told me they sleep at midnight ." 

He nodded . 

"Now let me see..." Nakume turned Illumi to the other side so she could face his back . He winced in pain . 

"Sorry! I just want to treat your wounds..." 

Nakume had grabbed a first aid kit with her before she entered the mansion . She heard Illumi's screams and followed them , hid somewhere in the dark and waited until she was sure no one was around . Illumi was impressed at how strong she was . He refused to look into her eyes until now , ashamed that she might see his obviously crying face . 
  He blushed when he felt her warm touch against his back . Nakume's hands were so gentle just as if a feather was brushing on his back . Her frown was a proof of her high concentration and carefulness...not to mention , worry as well . 

"Done!" She softly smiled . 


"Are there any more cuts ? I have some plasters here.." She leaned to the other side , her face in front of him . 

"No!" He tried to turn away but his aching back stopped him from doing so . Nakume brushed away his hair and saw his face . There were little cuts on his cheeks but there were fresh new tears too...

"Illumi...kun..." Her small hand wiped his tears away . 

"Get away-" Nakume hugged him before he could finish . She was that sweet , she wanted to give him warmth and love , she wanted to comfort him with that hug of hers . And it worked , it erased his sorrows...his wish to die...

He hugged her back , the movement sending shots of a pain in his muscles and back but he felt the warmth of her body against his bare chest . That was enough for him to forget the pain . He knew he could cry in front of her with all his might any time afterwards . He knew someone cared for him . 

And he also knew , that day , that he did like her . 


"Huh ? It's half past twelve now..." Nakume sat up looking at her wristwatch , she hadn't realized she was sleeping in the cold tunnel . 

"He should be in his room right now.." Nakume whispered , coldly . She gripped the hem of her shirt in anger , she loathed his family . She hated her too but she always thought her friend was more important than herself . She wanted to go check on him , to make sure he was fine . Illumi has gotten used to the brutal training just like Nakume had , but flashes of scenes when they were young still passed in their mind when they had to face their training again . 

"I wonder if he's hungry..." She said aloud when she heard her stomach growling . 

"I am ." 

She gasped when she saw his crouched body , crawling near her spot . 

"Illumi! Are they asleep ?" She asked quick . He nodded . 

"How did it go ?" 

"Skin poison , the itching was unbearable but got used to it pretty fast , no worries ." 

Nakume smiled after hearing that , she was glad he didn't go into much pain . She felt terrible that she slept during his training . 

"I wasn't coming but I thought I'd check if you were still here to lecture you , of course ." He nudged her arm a little too hard and she rubbed it with an 'ouch!' . 

"Hey , I had to wait , you know me!" 

"I do . But..."

She tilted her head mentally preparing herself for the lectures and glares . 

"Thanks ." He smiled . That smile she always loved to see . Illumi looked the other way , his ears had a faint pink . 

"Speaking of hungry , let's eat something...out there.." 

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