Chapter 16: Its what friends are for right?

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*Burst through the door*


sorry that was a little aggressive.

Yes I'm back, tbh I didn't even think that little note was necessary because I usually post within a week

I saw some comments saying something like they thought I was ending the book it made me giggle

Dw I'm not ending the book...yet

*Prepares self*

OO and also the picture up there is another book cover for The Beauty in Silence, tell me if you want that as the cover or the old one or a new one!

Chapter sixteen
Its what friends are for right?

My little backpack was filled with the things I needed, I constantly told Alya I didn't need to stay in her room for a week, but in the end I didn't have a choice.

I zipped it up and tugged it on my shoulder, it was then when I heard the door slowly creak open. I knew I didn't want to look, I knew I'd just breakdown like that if I saw who was there.

Sadly, I turned around to faced the person who was leaning against the door frame. The suns flare hit my eyes, making me squint and adjust to it.

He stood there patiently, and quite.

I won't blame him for what he did, he didn't even know I was there, but it's those moments like those in drama series or romance, the main character always blames the person who didn't even know she/he was watching.

I won't be like that kind of person, I'd like to believe I'm a reasonable person, and I listen to both sides of the stories before making a conclusion.

Silence lingered in the air, I stared at him. My eyes adjusted and I was met with green vibrant eyes, his back was facing the sun, his face was practically covered in shadows expect it eyes.

"Hey." I breathed


I blinked away from his gaze and made my way to the doorway, before I could walk out a familiar grasp held my wrist, I didn't look back.

"I'm sorry.."

You shouldn't be.

"For what?"

"For, What I did. Nino told me.."

I guess bestfriends will tell each other everything

Quickly, I face him, making some eye contact with him. His grip loosened, which was what I was hoping for. I flashed him a half hearted smile.

"It's okay, I'm fine now"

With that I turned away and walked to Alya's dorm.


Her door opened after I knocked on it multiple times, the sun was already down and was replaced by a dark shade of blue, mixed with little glowing sprinkles.

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