First Day At Beacon And Night Training

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( Yin's Pov )

When the air ship landed all the first year students got off but John got air sick and ran over the trash can and vomited. " I told you not to eat so much......" I said to him as I rubbed his back. Once he was done vomiting me and John saw two girls fighting and I recognized one of them. The girl in the red hood was noun other than Ruby Rose my little sister but if she was hear than that would mean that Yang was too. " Hello earth to Yin! " I snapped out of my thoughts when I see John waving his hand in my face. " Huh what ? " " you spaced out you ok ? " " I'm fine I was just thinking...." after I said that I saw a girl with black hair with a bow on top and I thought I saw it twitch but I didn't bather with it. When the two girls walked away I saw Ruby fall to the ground and John walked up to her and I walked to the entrance hall where all the first years where. Once John and Ruby made it to the entrance hall I heard someone call for Ruby. When I saw who that voice belonged to I froze because it had been 12 years since we all had seen each other.

" They have grown so much

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" They have grown so much....." I whispered but when she looked my way I hid behind John but he just walked over to them so I hid in his shadow using my semblance.

( Time Skip Night Time )

Once the ceremony was done me and John went to the ball room along with the other students but I had to be on the girl side and he on the boy's side. I took a seat in the corner where I took out my legendary sword called the one hit kill and polished it but I had to be carful because my blade was made from a unbreakable metal and it is sharp enough to cut anything in half and it was infused with a poisonous curse. As I was about to put my sword away I saw my sisters and those two girls again and two for them started yelling at each other so I got up and walked past them. " Hey watch It! " the girl with white hair shouted but I ignored them " HEY IM STILL TALKING TO YOU !!! " she said but this time she tried to grab my shoulder but missed when I used my semblance to disappeared into shadows surprising them in the process.

( Outside Yard )

When I got outside I looked up at the window to see the lights off which was a good thing. So I walked to the empty yard and practiced my sword skills, semblance, senses and new abilities.

Once I was finished I thought about tomorrow's initiation and what team I will be placed on

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Once I was finished I thought about tomorrow's initiation and what team I will be placed on. But I would have to wait and see what destiny has in store for me......................

( To Be Continued )

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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