Chapter 5

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"Welcome to my new home Stella," Percy said his voice soft, "want to meet your grandparents?"

"Can we?" she asked jumping up and down in excitement.

I chuckled a little at her enthusiasm.

"Yes, but first I want to ask you about your mom," he told her, "what happened to her?"

Stella then began sobbing and hugged her father.

"How did she die?" Percy asked his daughter/

"Shot," Stella replied calmed by her father's presence, "by someone named David Ugliano."

Percy's face contorted with rage.

"After we get to the palace I'm going to go find him and make him pay for the suffering he caused you," Percy replied his face and voice calm, "now let me take you to your grandparents. Remember don't bow at their feet. You're their only grandchild. Also since you're my daughter, you're going to have a lot of enemies. Zeus is one that'll try and kill you the most. So be careful."

"Yes sir," Stella replied, "why would he try to kill me?"

"I'm more powerful than him," Percy told her as they reached the castle courtyard, "alright, now go through those doors and you'll meet Sally. She'll take you to meet my parents. I'll bring justice to the shooter."

Percy then surrounded himself in golden fire and he flashed to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The place where he met Astrid Drakes. Stella's mother.

"Hi I'm Percy Jackson and I was wondering where a David Ugliano was?" Percy asked a waitress at a bar, "Can you help me?"

"Why do you want to know where a drunk is?" the waitress asked, "Why not join me at my place?"

"One, I want to punch him for what he's done to my daughter and two, I don't want to have another child," Percy replied before noticing someone harassing a woman at the bar, "excuse me."

As he walked over there, he noticed that the woman was Aphrodite and for once she didn't enjoy the attention.

"Excuse me," Percy said, "why are you trying to flirt with my dead girlfriend's sister?"

"Get lost pretty boy," the man said, "I'd hate for you to lose your good looks."

"Aphrodite are you okay?" Percy asked as she nodded, "Good. Go home, I'll 'talk' to him."

Once she left, Percy punched the man in his gut.

"You killed my daughter's mother," Percy told him as he lifted him by the shirt, "and I'm here for justice."

Percy then fire ported away and reappeared in his uncle's palace.

"Uncle Basil!" Percy yelled, "I need your help. Also use Draco Mist to show the Olympians what we do to the people who hurt our family. Or more importantly my little girl."

A fire formed in the air and it showed the Olympians.

"Attention all Olympians!" Percy shouted, "This is a demonstration on what happens if you hurt someone I love. Uncle Basil take it away."

Time skip

"Thank you Uncle," Percy said once the torture was done before turning back to the Olympians, "understand this. If any of you hurt Stella or the hunters in anyway I'll bring you to my Uncle Basil. No hesitation whatsoever. Now, if you won't mind I need to get my daughter and return to Artemis' hunters and Camp Hell Hole."

"Later Draco," Basil said, "also can I meet Stella soon?"

Percy nodded and flashed to get his daughter then flashed to Camp Half Blood.

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