Chapter Seven

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"Hey, Faelecia!" Brendon poked his head into my room. I was half asleep at this point.

"Yes?" I yawned, sitting up.

"Your mom's gonna come and visit you after lunch." He walked in and sat on my bed.

"What?! I'm not talking to her! No! No! No!" I shot up from my bed.

"Don't worry," he rubbed my arm. "I'll be there with you. It's gonna be fine."

I wrapped my arms around Brendon and cried. "Thank you! So much."

"For...?" He chuckled, "I'm only doing my job."

"Your job is making sure I don't kill myself in here. You've been nice to me. You care about me. That's an emotion I'm not familiar with." I stated.

"You're too sweet! I just want to make sure you're at your one hundred percent! Wanna go get lunch?" He asked. I felt my stomach turn.

"I don't wanna talk to my mother. She's what makes me want to scream and cry all at once." I shivered. He placed both hands on my shoulder and rested his head on mine.

"Yes, but Faelecia, sometimes we have to face our fears. It's how life works. You're going to have to deal with people you don't like when you have a job, or even at school." He informed.

"How the hell am I supposed to do that if I'm trapped in here?!" I shouted.

"Deep breaths, remember. There's no need to yell." I took in a shaky breath and let out a stiff one.

"I can do this. I can talk to my mother. I can tell her off! I can do this!" I cheered.

"There we go! There's the Faelecia I know!" Brendon was always here for me. I don't know where I'd be if he weren't my doctor. Most likely dead.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked. I shrugged as we walked to the kitchen.

"I'm in the mood for macaroni and cheese," I stated, feeling my stomach growl. He nodded and started talking to the lunch ladies. They smiled at him and took his request for gluten-free macaroni and cheese.


I trembled as I saw her on the other side of the phone booth. Brendon had a nice grip on my shoulders, which calmed me immensely.

"What do you want?!" I blurted, which caused my mother to furrow her eyebrows.

"Why are you getting so mad, sweetie?" She said in a honeyed voice.

"Why am I getting mad? You actually have the gall to ask me that after you forced me into a mental hospital?!" I raged.

"See, you should be happy right now, but your terrible case of Bipolar has made you upset..." She pretended to act sad.

"Cut the crap! You can't tell me what emotion I can or can't feel! After therapy, I learned how much you and dad have mistreated me!" Brendon rubbed my back, and my mother eyed him.

"Who's that man? Is that your doctor?" She questioned.

"Yes! He treats me better than you ever have!" I snapped. Brendon leaned in, going closer to my ear.

"You need to calm down, take a deep breath in, okay?" He whispered. I nodded and held my breath for a few seconds, then let it out.

"I wanna speak to that man!" She exclaimed, a tint of rage in her voice. I rolled my eyes and passed Brendon the phone.

"She wants to talk to you." I hushed.

"Hello?" Brendon said in a singsong voice. My mother cocked her eyebrow and looked him up and down.

"So you're the doctor who has been taking care of my daughter, huh?" She interrogated. Brendon nodded and smiled.

"That's me! The name's Brendon Urie!" He cheered. My mother seemed so unimpressed with him.

"Has she been behaving well? Or is she a piece of work like she was at home?" I rolled my eyes and rested my chin on Brendon's shoulder.

"Well, she has been acting very maturely. She's had two meltdowns, but they were easily handled." He informed my mother. She looked back at me and her eyes shrunk.

"Put me back on with my daughter, please." She was so unenthusiastic. Brendon passed me the phone and I sat back down.

"Well, your doctor seems nice." She said, her tone flat.

"Yeah, he's probably a better parent than you!" I fumed. Brendon leaned back into my ear, running his hand down the side of my torso.

"Faelecia, you need to be more polite." He shushed. I nodded and looked at him, smiling.

"You know how hard it is to deal with a brat who could never get her mood straight?" She retorted. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, replying with,

"I don't know, but if you put effort in you probably could have done it." I stated. It was her turn to scoff now.

"Your father and I put so much effort into you!" She responded. I shook my head no.

"You never even noticed that I never ate on any holiday! This year, with Brendon, was the first year I actually ate Christmas food." I told her. She seemed so embarrassed that I was putting her in her place, especially in front of Brendon.

"Well, if that's how you want it, then you can have it. I'm leaving." She put the phone down, but immediately picked it back up.

"And I thought I could come here to have a civilised conversation with you." She put the phone down and walked out of the door.

"I told you, she's the devil incarnate!" I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around Brendon.

"She seemed pretty bossy, but maybe it's from all the stress of having you in here." He debated.

"No, she's always been like that, it's just in her instinct..."

The Good, The Bad, and The Crazy//Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now