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sorry this took so long to make, i get destracted my the smallest crossmare, errink, or afterdeath fanfics! ^-^


I was in heat. it was horrible. i hated being in heat, especially when cross was around. Cross would always make my heat worse, speaking of him, hes walking toward me right now. ugh, i wish i could disappear into thin air.


i was looking for senpai when i finally found him. He didn't look too good. In fact he looked horrible.

"S-senpai? are you ok?" he looked at me with a confused expression . "Does it matter if I'm 'ok'?" He asked, probably rhetorically, but i didn't care. "of course it does, because i love you!" That seemed to throw Nightmare over the edge. It looked like he was in pain for a second before storming off to his room. I wanted to follow him but chose not to. Last time i tried to follow him into his room he moved my room next to lust's for a week. That was scary.

I decided to just go make some food for Nightmare. I picked up a recipe book , flipping through the pages till i saw something senpai might like!


Just my luck. Cross made my heat even worse. I was in my bed, trying to get him off my mind. No matter how hard i tried, his adorable smile came into my head, the way he called me 'senpai', he was just too.... Cute. My heat got even worse at just the thought of him. I couldn't take it anymore, i reached my hand into my shorts, summoning an ecto-member, and pumped myself.

It felt so good, my hand running up and down my member,slowly, quickly picking up speed. I bit my lip, trying to conceal my moans. I couldn't help but think of cross, making it harder to hide my moans. I started to moan his name, loving the thought of him underneath me."nnnggghhhh~~ crrooooossssss....~~" my moans were quiet, but made it feel even better somehow.


I finished making the food for senpai and i was bringing it up to his room. I was about to knock on the door when i could hear something coming from the other side. I could hear a groaning sound, 'did nightmare hurt himself? Is he okay?' were the thoughts running through my head. Then what i heard was even weirder

"Hah~~ mmmhh~~~croossss...~~~" That made me blush. 'H-he' he.....?" i knocked on the door, swallowing my fear. The sounds stopped. 'Oh god....'


I heard knocking coming from the other side of my door. I froze, hoping they didn't hear what i was just doing. I got up, covering up all the evidence except the boner i still had that wouldn't go away.i just tucked it away best i could. I walked over to the door, unlocking it and opening it.

Cross was standing in the doorway blushing, looking at me with his big adorable grin and holding It didn't really look that edible.

"I-I....I m-made s-some food s-senpai!""ok. why are you telling me?"" i looked at the 'food' with disgust. "I'm not going to eat that shit." He looked heart broken as he started to turn to leave. He would of left if i didn't grab him with a tentacle, causing him to drop the food on the floor. "I'd much rather eat you~~"I told him. His expression turned from heartbroken to a little flustered and scared while blush crept onto his face. I gave him a lustful grin while carrying him into my room, locking the door so nobody would disturb us.

i laid cross down onto my bed, throwing off the covers. He seemed surprised by my sudden lustful action, but i was in heat so i didn't think about it too much. i just wanted to get this heat over and done with.

"s-senpai.....W-what are d-doing....?" Cross asked, his innocent voice turning me on. I could feel my boner getting so hard that it hurt. I wanted,I needed this. I wanted him,I needed him.

"I'm going to get rid of my heat.~~" i used a serious yet lustful tone so he wouldn't think I'm messing around like lust sans does. I meant it. I was going to fuck him so hard that he probably won't be able to stand on his own. His blush grew immensely. I bet he wasn't as innocent as he looked. As far as I know he didn't even know what sex was. By the expression on his face when i mentioned my heat, ohhhh!!! i bet he knows ALL too well~

I felt more blush creep onto my face as i thought about how much fun this will be while crawling on top of Cross. "s-senpai.....a-are y-you going to.....ummm....." he looked up, a slightly frightened expression which turned me on even more. He was SO cute. " If your trying to ask if i'm going to fuck you, the answer is yes~ " i stated, licking my lips as i kissed Cross. He flinched at first , but then melted into the kiss, letting off positive feelings(i wonder if dream would be able to tell if they're doing this..... huh....back to the story!!!)) I licked his teeth, asking for entrance, he immediately let me in.

I slide my tongue in and explored his mouth, every centameter, Cross moaning my name "mmmmmm~~~" "mmmmmm~~~sssnnnpppiiii~~~~~~mmmmmm~~~~"

i slid my hand into his shorts, finding an ecto-body already formed. i rubbed his entrance, loving every little moan coming from his mouth. i pulled his shorts down, revealing his entrance.he tried to cover himself up but i gently pulled his hands away "don't hide your beauty from me~~" i used 2 of my tentacles to tease his entrance while listening to the beautiful symphony of moans.

"MMMMmmmMMM~~~~ S-sTop tEeaaSsing!~~~" i smirked at the fact that this adorable skeleton was a lot dirtier than he let anyone think. i go down to his soaking wet pussy and give it a long slow lick. this get cross to release, and once i realized that i stuck my tongue in him and tasted his sweetness "mmmm~~ You sure taste good cross~~" he whimpered in need so i pulled my member out of my shorts and looked at cross. his face was engulfed in purple blush as he stared at my cock.

"wanna suck or get straight to the good part?" he stayed down, in which answering my question. my smirk grew bigger and with that i thrusted my whole member into crosses entrance. he shrieked out in pain with tears swelling up at his sockets so i stopped and waited."is this your first time too...?" i asked him, slightly worried someone else may have taken him before he loved me and now.... because i hurt him....that he would hate me. but he whimpered slightly and nodded. it was a bit of a relief. "I'll go easy on you, just tell me when i can go."

we stayed like that for a little bit, until he started to moved under me, pushing my member into himself, even though i was all the way in. i slowly pulled out a little but then gently slid back in. cross moaned in pleasure at the feeling.
I trusted slowly into him, making him whimper in need. I chuckled at his neediness.

"F-faster s-senpai~ " he moaned from beneath me. I started thrusting into him even faster and faster. With each thrust I smashed my cock into him harder. He moaned loudly, obviously loving this. Eventually he moaned louder, making me sure I found his g spot. 
His moans filled the room along with my growling grunts I have off every time I slammed by cock into him.
His moans got even louder as I pounded him as fast as my body would move. I wad pulling my member all the way out and slamming all the way back in. My thrusts got sloppy when cross screamed
"S-senpai!~~~I-I'm gonna cum!~~~"
Suddenly his pussy fluttered and my member was engulfed in even more warmth. his pussy got so tightthat it squeezesd the cum out of my dick.
His pussy was filled with my seed very quickly. Our cum mixing inside of him. The impact of my cum in his g spot then my dick slamming into him A final time causedhim to cum again,screaming my name out.
His pussy fluttered again making me groan as I came to a halt.
Cross and I were panting heavily add I pulled out,our mixed release spilling out of cross slowly.
I layed down next to Cross, still catching my breath.
"I love you s-senpai~~"cross mumbles while cuddling into my chest. I held him there and gently whispered "I love you too my lil crossy~~~~" with that we fell sleep together.

one- shots: lemons, fluffs, undertale ships galore!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now