Chapter 4

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After your battle against the kid, you came over and wiped the sweat from your forehead. He just stood there, his racket over his shoulder and a water bottle opened in his hand.

"Nice playing there kid. You beat me." He just huffed and turned away. You simply strolled over and patted his head. He turned to glare but you just smiled.

"Sorry about before. I shouldn't judge before I get to know people, haha." At first, he was reluctant to give a reply but sighed, looking you in the eye and let out a small laugh.

"Well I shouldn't really be calling people assholes either. Names Ryan, you?" He entendres his hand which you firmly gripped.

"Y/n." Ryan did not fail to notice the size of your hands. How they cupped his perfectly and were warm to the touch. His face heated as he realized he was holding your hand longer than usual, so he pulled back. Shaking his head, Ryan picked us a ball and excused himself that he wanted to start to put away the equipment, as the game had taken up the whole period. You just nodded.

"Good game Ryan! Hopefully we play again soon." You smiled, which he returned fully, making your heart thump in your ears.

'Wow, now that is one of the most brilliant smiles I've ever seen.' You thought. You couldn't help but stare at the kid. With his nicely shaped body and soft hair swaying slightly with the breeze. It was like watching the Sakura trees in the late spring. His rosy cheeks, ones that resembled the tomatoes themselves. 

The next few periods were slow but they quickly came to the last. One in which you had everyone but Kyle due to him being an underclass men. Ryan took your right side while Ace on your left. Gale tried to sit away but you quickly beckon the boy over to join you. Jack sitting along side him.

"So! How do you guys like your classes this semester?" They all sighed and you took it as not very well. They explained how most of their teachers were complete dicks or they knew the dumb adult wouldn't teach the whole year.

"Welp, that's how most senior teachers are now. They chill and don't really do anything. At least for some of the classes." Ace mentioned. You just nodded and looked over toward the window. It looked as though rain was coming in. It's dark, thick clouds rolling around filled with water. Just waiting to pour down on student as soon as school was out.

"Looks like it's gonna rain. You guys bring umbrellas?" Most of them had but Ryan didn't answer the question.

"Well I did because I'm responsible and always check the weather." Ace said proudly and almost snootily. Ryan still kept quiet but you tapped his shoulder, earning an ashamed but bashful look from the red haired boy.

"No actually. I forgot mine today. It was on the table when I left home but I forgot to grab it as I went out." His nervous laugh made you pity him. You've been in that position before so you decided to help him out.

"I could help you out if you're willing to share an umbrella. I wouldn't mind. Which way do you walk?"

"Just down Phillips street, take a turn down beverly and I'm there."

"Coincidence really! I live that was as well. I'll walk you all the way there." Ryan's signature toothy grin and flustered face slapped a smile right on your face as well. Ace looked at the two of you and did not like the atmosphere one bit. You two literally made the perfect couple. But he refused to let anyone stand in his way.

"I'll walk with you guys too." You raised and brow and nodded your head.

"You live the opposite way from us goofball. Don't go that way, go the right way weirdo." You laughed and patted his head. Ace smiled through his gritted teeth. Maybe he should've thought that through. The final bell had rung and as if on cue, thunder boomed over your heads.

"Welp, we better get going before it gets bad." Ryan nodded and followed you out to the front. You open the medium sized umbrella and held it over your head. It was small but enough to fit two people if they were willing to be close. So, you took the initiative and wrapped your arm around Ryan's waist, pulling him closer to your own body.

"Sorry, but I don't wanna get wet and I'm sure you don't either." You laughed. He just nodded and blushed, taking in your warmth as you two walked down the wet sidewalk, huddling each other to stay out of reach of the rain. For the most part it was silent, but the small talk you made with him was comfortable. No later than 15 minutes, you two arrive and tuned out, you live across from each other. But you walked him to his door, not wanting him to get wet.

"Welp, I'll walk with ya tomorrow Ryan. Nice strollin with ya!" A crash of lightening and thunder booming after, making Ryan jump from his skin.

"Yeah haha, I'll Seeya later Y/n. Thanks for walking me home. I really really owe you one." You waved your hands up, ruffling his hair.

"Nah it's all good. My pleasure. Well I better be going before my mother gets mad." You tuned and made a run for it. What you didn't see was the shy wave and extremely red face you left behind. Those bright pink toned eyes following you till you were inside the safety of your home.

Blushed! Male Harem x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now