Chapter 2

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After returning to Pre-Calculus, you heard various voices around the room as you entered.

"Wow, Y/n's in our class?"

"Daaayum, he's even better looking up close."

"Guys, shut up! He can hear you!"

You roll your eyes. This behavior was normal but man was it annoying. You looked outside, dazed till the bell had rung about 15 minutes later. Next up, culinary. Shouldn't be too bad. Making your way over, you noticed a certain blonde hair male and couldn't help but smile.

There are rumors of him being cruel and rude but you never saw that so you chose not to believe it.

Suddenly, Ace notices you and quickly scurries over, hugging your arm.

"Y/n!! My goodness it's so great to know you're here with me in this class!" He said with hearts in his eyes. You smiled and ruffled his hair, taking a seat right next to him.

"Well, I'm here. Let me see your schedule." He nodded, giving it to you. You had one more class together but that was about it.

"I'll seeya in Literature. I have that for third period." His eyes brightened, squeezing your arm again.

"Yes! Oh my knight I can not wait for us to finally hang out again his year!" You rolled your eyes. "No weird nick names Ace, I was so tired of it last year." He pouted but you chuckled, facing forward and paying attention as to what this class is about.

"So love, could I hang out with you during break right now?"

"Sure, but I'm going to see where all my classes are if you don't mind the waking." He just shrugged, clinging to your arm once more. You made your way around campus, making sure you knew exactly where to go.

A loud bang was heard from the hallway to your right. A smaller student was being pushed up against a locker by a larger one. The boy held a few books but they soon fell to the floor as the bully shoved him to the ground. It angered you, so you stood tall and walked over. You used your height to an advantage, putting yourself between the bully and the victim.

"What are you doing? Pick on someone your own size." The crazed student just laughed, wiping a fake tear from his eye.

"You're funny buddy, but don't pick fights with me! Do you know who I am?!" You smirked, looking down on the bully.

"No and quite frankly, I don't care." The guy laughs again but pauses. His eyes narrowed and he turned around, facing the opposite direction. Ace and the victim stared, watching you.

"You know buddy, you should know who your talking to!" He turned around quickly and threw a punch your way. Ace screamed and the black haired victim flinched but you moved and grabbed his punch mid throw. You clenched your large hands tighter, earning a painful scream from the bully. Your smirk grew bigger.

"Perhaps you should know who your messing with, kid. I run the show here, know your place." He scrambled and fled, leaving you triumphant. You turned to the younger guy, extending a hand.

"Hey, you alright?" He takes your kind gesture, hoisting himself up. The raven haired boy smiled brightly, taking you back slightly. He was cute, one of those innocent faces.

"Yes, thanks to you. Um, thank you so much, I sincerely appreciate it." He bows his head.

"I'm Gale." You smile your famous smile.

"I'm F/n. Nice to meet you. It was no problem, I can't stand people who pick on someone just because they're smaller." He nods, smiling as well. Ace rolls his eyes and cuts in.

"Well if you don't mind Gale, I'm sightseeing with Y/n. Seeya."

"That's true, break is almost over so I'll be seeing ya around Gale. Come to me if you need anything!" He nodded, waving as you and Ace left.

Ace claimed to forget something and ran back, leaving you trailing to Literature.

Ace's Pov

As Y/n talked to Gale, I noticed his interest and immediately I became jealous. Y/n is mine! No one can have him! On the way back from the walk I told Y/n I had forgotten something and quickly made my way back over to Gale.

He stood there putting his textbooks in his locker, I quickly went over and tapped his shoulder. Once he faces me, I told him.

"Stay away from Y/n loser, he's mine. Don't let me catch you near him again twink." He stood there, sad but shrugged. Hmph, he'll learn his place sooner or later.

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