Chapter 4

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We arrived at the school and it wasn't bad to look at just a lot of floors. I looked at my mom face and she looked a little uneasy. She was staring at the school like she was having second gusting herself.

"Mom you alright." She shook her head and smiled. " yeah I'm fine I just have to wait on someone."

Before I was able to ask a man that looks my age appeared out of nowhere. He was wearing a black cloak and his eyes was amber I though he was an extra of twilight. "Go inside and go to the main office i'll meet you there." I looked at her like she lost her mind.

The next thing she said set me in a panic mode. "Mack please I have to speak to him alone it's important." I looked at her and she mouthed please all I can do is leave. "I see you after school right?" I know i wasn't supposed to ask that of course she is going to pick me up after school.

"I don't think so not this time." Ok now something was wrong because she's crying and my mom doesn't cry so what the fuck is going on.

I tried to walk to the car but my legs wouldn't move. The man whispered something i couldn't here until the last words "al mundo de los demonios."

That's spanish for; With out thinking I ran to the car trying to stop him. Before I can touch the car it disappear in then air. I turned to the man and he bowed like i was royalty and himself Disappeared, Leaving me in the school parking lot trying to clear my mind of my mother disappearing in front of me.

"Hi are you new here." I was still shooken up to respond. He just walked beside me and put a hand on my shoulder and started rubbing it trying to calm me down. "Whatever is on your mind I can help."

I lifted my head to see an very attractive guy with dirty blonde hair that would make any one even myself to glide my fingers through it. His eyes are so beautiful it was half blue and half green which was full of happiness.

"Here let me help you up." After helping me up I was only a few inches taller than him so that'll make him 5" 9. "What's your name new kid. " Wait he knew I was staring at him like I stare at a sandwich.

I couldn't stop the blush that was creeping through my cheeks. "Um Mack whats your name." He smiled and all I can see is a mouthful of white perfect row of teeth. "My name is Jeffrey and don't worry I get it all the time."

Oh my god he knew I was starting at him someone please kill me. "Do you want me to help you get to the front office the school is kinda big." I shook my head yes and he lead the way there but all I could say is he got a bubble butt.


Mack is the most shy person I have ever met. I tried talking to him and he just walk in complete silence like goddess talk or have a complete conversation with me.

"So what school did you come from." *Silence*
"How old are you." *Silence* "what are you going to be doing after high school. " He looks up at me and opened his mouth. I thought I was going to get a complete answer for him but instead he closed his mouth and kept walking. I want to smack him so badly.

"When you was sitting there talking to yourself i found the office thanks for trying to cheer me up later." "Hey wait I want to know what your classes are. Being his farmer's beta I have to watch him with all of my life therefore, I changed his classes to mine and Brian's classes.

"Sweet u got all classes with me." Mack's face turn completely white like he seen a ghost. "I'm not that bad" his face is still in a shock expression and i wanted to know what is the matter until i look up to see Brian licking Mack's neck.

This is going to be a long year.

Hi you guys heres a new addition to the fam so lets welcome Jeffrey

ALSO A SHOUT OUT TO notaslonleyshipper69 he is a cool cat so follow him but mostly vote comment and follow me and after a good Chapter catch you on the flip side


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

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