-Three (pt. 1)-

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Felix started to fall (again), so Changbin stepped in front of him and wrapped his arms around his waist. Felix face planted into Changbin's chest, grabbing his biceps for support. Both boys stayed like that for a second, too nervous to pull away. Finally, Changbin let go, helping the younger to his feet.

Felix's cheeks were bright red from embarrassment. He looked down immediately, fiddling with his fingers.

"You okay?" Changbin asked. Usually, he couldn't care less, but he wanted to make sure Felix was actually okay.

"U-uh, y-yeah, thanks," Felix stuttered. Changbin still had his hands on his waist, which made Felix feel things he had never felt before. His heartbeat was so loud that he thought everyone around him could hear it. Changbin finally realized what he was doing and swiped his hands away. Felix felt relieved, yet disappointed.

"Um, did you know about the tutoring thing?" Felix asked in a soft voice. Changbin felt the excitement building up inside him.

"Am I tutoring you?" Changbin asked, unintentionally emphasizing the last word.

"Y-yeah," Felix said with a dejected tone. Changbin realized that he might have come off as rude.

"Ok. I'd rather it be with you than someone else," he said. Felix looked up at the older with wide eyes.

"Oh, thanks," he said with a smile, trying not to blush. Changbin smirked at the younger's precious facial expression.

"So when should we meet up?" he asked.

"M-meet up?"

"Yeah, for tutoring?" Changbin clarified. Felix shook his head as if snapping out a daze. Changbin couldn't help but smile at the cutie in front of him.

"How does Wednesday work for you?" Felix asked.

"That's fine. Meet me at my locker after school then," Changbin replied. Felix nodded and waved goodbye, leaving Changbin alone in the hallway. Although he was surrounded by people, Changbin felt lonely. His other friends had already left, so he packed up quickly and head home.

Changbin drove home and reached at about 4:30, giving him plenty of time to prepare for tomorrow. He parked in the driveway and unlocked the front door. His parents weren't home yet, so he had the perfect opportunity to get ready. Today was Tuesday, so tomorrow would be the day.

He walked into his room and threw his backpack on his bed. He ran over to his drawers and pulled out an old spell book. It was so old that there was dust collected on the top. He blew on it, coughing, and flipped through the pages. His eyes darted across the words at the speed of light. At last, he found what he was looking for.

"Aha! I should use this tomorrow," he thought to himself. He placed a bookmark on the page and closed the book, carefully placing it in his bag. He walked over to his closet and pulled out a black t-shirt and dark blue ripped jeans. He bent down and picked up a pair of black shoes and black socks. He wasn't called the Dark Lord for nothing.

After changing and fixing his hair, he picked up his keys and walked out the door. He got into his car and drove to the nearest grocery store. There, he walked over to the flower section and searched for a while until an assistant came to help him.

"Can I help you, sir?" the lady asked in a meek voice.

"Um, yes, do you happen to sell any white tulips?" Changbin asked. The lady nodded and walked to where they were. She picked up a bunch of pristine, delicate tulips and gave them to Changbin.

"Thank you," he replied, bowing quickly and walking to the self-checkout station. He must've looked insane; a boy dressed in all black buying flowers. What a sight.

Under my Spell - ChanglixWhere stories live. Discover now