New Friend Maybe?

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"Courtney, get up and get ready for school!" My mother barked from the door before storming off. She had been trying to get me up for the past ten minutes, I wouldn't blame her for being mad. Not being heard is frustrating. Trust me, I know.

I yawn, stretching as I get up. I waltz into my closet after brushing my hair and teeth and washing my face. I slide on my under garments before pulling on my dark denim, ripped skinny jeans. I pull my purple chiffon shirt over my head before bending down to put on my black high heel boots. I stalk tiredly back into my bathroom after throwing my black beanie over my long, naturally curly hair. I like my hair because even when I leave it natural, it still looks styled. I put on black winged eye liner, read lip stick, and black mascara before gliding my stud wrap bracelet over my wrist. Sighing, I pick up my back pack and phone before heading downstairs.

(A/N outfit at .)

"Mom, can you take me to school?" I ask.

"Sorry, sweetie, I have to work." She replies.

"Okay, what about dad?" I question.

"He's not here." She answers, not even looking up from the papers in front of her. I sigh before walking out and into the chilly air. It takes me about fifteen minutes to get there, and when I do the bell to first period has already rung. It's around twenty minutes in when I get to the door.

"Way to go, Courtney." I grumble before knocking quietly and entering. Everyone stares at me as if I had just killed someone.

"Nice of you to show up, Miss Porter." My teacher, Mr. Prestage, scoffs.

"Sorry, I'm late. My-" I try to explain, but he cuts me off.

"I don't have time for excuses, go sit." He demands.

"Yes, sir." I whisper before joining my best friend, Rico, in the corner. I get settled in just in time for a note to be passed to my desk.

Why're you so late? -Rico

Mom wouldn't give me a ride. -Courtney

I take out my notebook and start writing down the history notes on the board until class in over. I grab my things and walk out with Rico once the bell rings.

"So, how was your night last night? Because you weren't at the diner." He quirks an eyebrow, referring to our usual study sessions at the diner that I ditched accidentally last night.

"Oh no, Rico, I'm so sorry. I got home and my mom-" He cuts me off by grabbing my elbow, stopping me.

"Hey, it's okay. I was just kidding. A heads up would've been nice though." He chuckles.

"I know, I'm sorry." I sigh.

"You've been acting weird lately, everything okay?" He wonders aloud.

"Yeah, It's just-" I'm cut off by being knocked to the ground, my note pad, history book, and pen scattering.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." The voice says as I get up after grabbing my things.

"No, it's my fault. I should've watched where I was.." I trail off when my eyes meet the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen.

"I'm Matt. Are you new here?" Mood is now officially killed.

"Courtney. And no, actually I've gone here my whole life." I tell him.

"I'm so sorry, then, if that offended you in any way. I-" He rambles before I cut him off.

"It's totally okay. I'm used to it." I smile and his face falters.

"No one as beautiful as you should ever feel so invisible." He says quietly, making me blush.

"Gag me." Rico mutters.

"I gotta go, text me sometime." He writes down his number on my hand. Classy.

"That was bullshit, I'm sure he just wants to get in your pants. Keep your legs closed, Court." Rico hisses as we stop at my locker.

"Excuse me?" I gape.

"You heard me." He sneers. I slam my locker shut before storming away and across the hall to math. I cannot believe Rico, out of all people, would say something like that. The rest of the day goes by slowly since I'm not talking to Rico and he's my only friend. I'm on my way home when a car pulls up beside me with it's windows down. I look over to see Matt.

"Oh, hey, Matt." I wave.

"Hey, need a ride?" He asks.

"Uh, sure." I answer nervously. I hop into the passenger seat before shutting the door.

"So, what's your name?" He questions, driving off as I quirk an eyebrow.

"I already told you, Courtney." I answer.

"No, your full name." He explains.

"Courtney Nicole Porter.." I trail off.

"Pretty name for a pretty lady." He smirks, proud of his cheesy and cliche comeback.

"Oh my god," I half scoff, half laugh. "What's yours?"

"Matthew Lee Espinosa." He replies, making it sound more like 'Machu' rather than 'Matthew' which makes me giggle.

"I like it." I tell him truthfully.

"I like your giggle." Says Matthew, making me giggle and blush once more.

"Thanks, turn here." I direct him all the way to my house until we pull up. I look at the cars to see my brother's, my sister's, my mom's, and my dad's. What's going on?

"Woah, you have a lot of vehicles." He laughs.

"Nah, my sister and brother are here." I elaborate.

"They don't live with you?" He wonders aloud.

"No, my brother's twenty-two and my sister's twenty-six." I answer.


"Thank you for the ride." I tell him. I'm almost out of the car when he grabs my wrist.

"What, no number?" We laugh before switching phones and typing our names and numbers.

"Thanks again." We hug.

"Anytime, just call." He assures before I get out and walk to the front steps. Once I'm there, I turn to wave and smile. He returns the gestures and then drives off. Sighing, I open the front door and go into the kitchen to get an apple.

"Courtney, who was that boy who drove you home?" My mother calls from the living area. I walk in there and sit on the plush, white carpet.

"No one," I answer, taking a bite out of my apple.

"My baby sister has a boyfriend?" Bethany, my older sister, screeches.

"What? No! He's just a friend." I rush.

"What's his name?" My mother interrogates.

"Matt," I shrug.

"The only person I've ever seen you hang out with is Rico." My dad infers.

"New friend, maybe?" My brother, Will, asks, emphasizing the word 'friend'.

"Maybe," I look down at my lap and smile a small smile.


Invisible. {Matt Espinosa}Where stories live. Discover now