Part 13: Captain Underpants distraction and the portal incident

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The next day.

Poopypants finished his invention to get rid of laughter again.

(Y/N) and (B/N) were still upset and seeing how he's gonna destroy all laughter and soon them.

Then He had came out of his lab and pressed the button and his lab started to float and followed him to the town on top of the chemical waste lab and Jerome Hortwitz Elementary kept selling their left overs to them for lots of money.

(B/N) and (Y/N) could smell it from inside the lab.

(B/N) said, "Gross horrible smell."

(Y/N) said, "It burns."

And with Poopypants.

Poopypants said over the microphone, "Greetings everyone, I have a machine to get rid of all your Hahaguffawchuckleamalus once and for all and all the other planets!"

He pressed the button and it blasted everywhere and hit everyone who was trying to get away.

Then out of no where Captain underpants came and said,

"Stand down Poopypants, and hand over my two sidekicks."

Poopypants said, "Well they are my kids and you have no rights to take them away from me."

Then they began to fight and Flip-O- Rama scene.

Then they began to fight and Flip-O- Rama scene

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With George, Harold and Melvin.

They launched themselves to the lad and then Melvin get a bit Dizzy but managed to hold on to it. They got in side.

George said, "(Y/N), (B/N) where are you guys?"

(Y/N) said, "Guys were over here."

Harold said, "Oh my we are so glad to see you guys."

(Y/N) said, "Harold don't touch the bars or your gonna get-."

It was to late and Harold got electrocuted by the bars.

(Y/N) said, "Electrocuted."

Melvin said, "I know what to do."

He took out rubber gloves and a piece of metal and pressed it on the the bars until there was alot of smoke.

(Y/N) said, "Thanks Mel- Woah!"

Melvin hair was all sticking up and he was all covered in dark smoke.

Melvin said, "Do I look bad?"

George, Harold and (Y/N) said, "Nope, better than ever."

Then (B/N) cleared the smoke and saw Melvin and said, "Woah!"

Melvin said, "What? What's the problem?"

(B/N) said, "Nothing you look great."

Then Poopypants robot accidentally bumped into the lab causing everyone to fall and (B/N) grabbed a switch which turned on the portal.

And it was sucking everyone in, George and Harold got sucked in first and then Melvin, then (B/N) and finally (Y/N).

And everyone was whirling around and they fell from the sky to the ground and (Y/N) was the first to wake up.

(Y/N) said, "W-where are we?"

She then saw her hand and it now has five fingers again and she gotten taller, and she realized where they are back in the real world again.

(Y/N) shouted, "OH MY GOD!"

Captain underpants and the battle of Poopypants for (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now