Chapter 1/2-Meet Me part 2

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Hiro's thoughts
Well,today's the day.I hope that I get in.What if I don't?What will I do with my life?

Then a voice interupted my silence.It was my brother,Tadashi.He said,"you're you ready?"."I was born ready".

As we headed to the expo,I began to be nervous.And I don't know why?But I was.

When we got there,a girl was presenting her project. It looked very interesting to me.

As she began to present,she said"ladies and gentlemen,today you will be witness of the next step in technology!"

She was pulling out what looked like a neuro crainal transmitter and putting it on.And pulled out also a small cube,now I'm curious."I present to you, iRobot".

"This object might not seem like much,but if you have a touch of science and imagination.It will be way more than you think".

"Let's say you're in a situation where you are in danger,you need some defense right?"

"Well my invention can help you,iRobot transform into a martial arts robot!".

I was impressed,who knew that a small cube can be something else.

"It knows many defenses,positions of combat,and anything to protect his or her owner".

"Now,have you ever had a problem with you're car,IRobot transform into a car".

We everybody was amazed at her presentation,hope same on mine.

"This car can drive itself if the owner is underage,which can start to decline of child kidnapping". She bowed down and applause heard everywhere.

It was just wow, it was almost perfect.
And I think she got in already.

Now presenting,Hiro Hamada

"Well, I guess I'm up.Okay,okay photo, photo!"everybody say "Hiro"."We love you Hiro,don't mess it up,break a leg",the gang said.Fred said,"science yeah!!!".

As I walked up the small staircase.
"Hi, I'm Hiro ",following a screech of the microphone.

"Hi,I'm Hiro Hamada and this project
that I have been working on,hope you like it".

I didn't fail to amaze everyone,too.
As I ended with presentation,
Alistair Krei wanted me in this company.But Robert Callaghan told me not to trust him with anything so I said"sorry,Mr.Krei but their not for sale".

"Well,then it will a pleasure to have you in class. What a minute where's the envelope at?".Then,the same girl came running then saying,"you dropped this sir".

She giving him the envelope to Professor Callaghan.

"Well,here you go Hiro", he said.

"Oh,Hiro she will be touring the day you register",Callaghan said.

"Okay then,bye!"she said while running to someone.

As we exited the expo,Tadashi and I were going to the balcony.

I know what you're going to say,"I should be proud of myself for doing with my gift".

"No,I was just say that you're fly was down while you were presenting",he said.

"Haha very funny",but once I check it was . . . down."Hey!''I said while elbowing Tadashi.

"Hey,hmm thanks for you know,not giving up on me".

But that's when the fire alarm sounded.We were seeing if they were okay.But one of the judges came out saying,"Professor Callaghan is still in there".


"Callaghan is still in there,someone has to help",Tadashi said before he entered the flamed-filled building.

"Callaghan is still in there,I need to help.And I don't come back,please be the nice person you are.And save the lives I couldn't",Alejandra said before telling me to go find help. Then you went outside but it was too late.

Just turning around, BOOM there was an explosion.We both landed hard on the sidewalk.

"Tadashi?. . . Tadashi?!".
He's gone,he's gone forever.

When I see you again

As we left,I saw her her head staying low.But I also noticed that she wasn't crying.I thought that girls cry when these things happens.

Name's thoughts
"Mom,let's go home".As we walked home I noticed the Lucky Cat Cafe.I think it's where Tadashi said he lived in.

"Hmm . . .Mom I'm going to the cafe for a bit".Then as I walked to his aunt,and asked her if I could talk to him.

I saw him up the stairs,slouched down
sad.I went up to him and said,"Hi".

"Hey",Hiro said.

"Hiro,I'm sorry about your brother.I know how you feel",I said.

Then he lost it,

Then I lost it,

I ran out the cafe, and went home.

Hiro's thoughts
Wait,what she also lost her sister.She must been the one there as well.I was too harsh on her.Maybe I made her feel worse.

I saw her running to her house.She lives right across the street.Then she went up to her window,and just sat there.Looking out sad.I know don't even know her enough,but I would like to help.

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