Secret Gardens

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Oh no, oh no, I thought at I glanced at my alarm clock. Nine a.m. Ugh.... just great. We were suppose to meet the tour guide by ten. Why haven't they woke me yet? Gosh their idiots at time's. Bouncing from my bed I dashed into the tiny living room where Tory was dead into her phone and Keeley stuffing her face full of eggs. Throwing my hands in the air in a fit I shrieked. "Really guy's? No one thought about waking me up? I could've been lying dead in there and you'd never know it until I started to stink".

Keeley grinned a eggy grin. "Then we'd just toss lime on you. They say it covers the stench of death."

Shooting her a sour look I stomped over and snatched the remainder of the breakfast food up. Keeley scrunched her nose up and fanned her hand in front of her face. "JJ you may want to sprinkle some lime on that breath of yours".

Turning toward her I blew my foul breath toward her and watched her dodge around. Scarfing the remainder of the eggs down I raced through a shower and power brushed my teeth. Not having time to dry my hair I twisted it up in a sloppy, loose braid. I chose to dress comfy today so I jumped into a pair of my workout leggings and paired it with a set of double tank tops. Stepping into my sneakers I grabbed my earbuds and wristlet wallet. I had just enough time to apply a smidgen if mascara and a pale peach lipgloss that tasted of vanilla. I gave my cheeks a quick pinch so I didn't look so peaked. Within seconds we were heading out the door as the trio.

We started on the ten minute walk to our assigned meeting destination. Tory was grumbling the entire way about having to go on these dumb site seeing tour's that Keeley signed us up for. Honestly I did find it a bit annoying myself but I kept quiet. I figured we owed this to Keeley seeing how she puts up with our wild night's.  Today we would be visiting the secret gardens in Burino. Yes, sounds action packed right? But if it keeps Keeley happy so be it.

Our boat came into view and looked as if it was about to take off. Keeley glanced at her watch. "What". She exclaimed frantically. "It's only nine fifty-seven. They can't leave without us".

Shit, I thought as I took off in a Olympic worthy sprint. I had to stop that boat from leaving because I wasn't about to hear Keeley whine over this for day's. As I took off I could hear Tory yelling. "No. Go boat go. Speed away".

"Gawd, just shut it Tory". I heard Keeley shriek.

I made it to the dock just in time. Out of breath I bent over clutching my side as I huffed out. "Us three is on this tour. Please wait".

The guide held the boat up as us three scrambled on. Due to our tardiness finding seats together was impossible. Keeley grabbed the only remaining one by the guide and I dashed to the rear of the boat that was only occupied by a few young teens but poor Tory had to tough it out. Swallowing my laughter I watched as she wedged herself in between a obsessively overweight, balding man and the captain's oversized hound. We all knew Tory was apprehensive around big dog's so it was even more enlightening when the dog ran his slobbery tounge up her cheek. Then to top it off every time the boat bounced on the currents the obese man's body parts would jostle all over her. Keeley and I stifled our giggles at Tory's pissed face.

Eventually I turned my attention to the sparkling water and the views. Turning my face to the sun, I smiled and took it all in. My phone buzzing brought me from my comfort zone. For the first time today I remembered those creepy texts and I silently prayed it wasn't him. Slowly I peeked at the screen.

"Good morning love. I hope you slept well".

 I hope you slept well"

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