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Minutes passed by and I still stood by the door basically beating it down and yelling for someone's attention. At one point I removed my hairpin and tried to pick the lock. As I was trying to manipulate the lock I could hear Simone chuckle. "Let me know how that work's for you foxy?" He said with mirth.

This was scaring the wits out of me and I was in a total panic yet his teasing only enraged me. This prick, very good looking prick at that was the cause of all my stress, yet had the nerve to sit there and laugh. I'll show him I thought. I don't know what his plans are for me but whatever it is I wasn't going to go out swinging.

With my fists clenched I whirled around and seethed. "Fuck you. You can go to super hell".

He only laughed harder. "Super hell? I wasn't aware that there was such a place. Please tell me all about it".

I stamped my foot and screamed. "What do you want with me?"

His face grew serious. "I want you". He said in a low, steady voice.

"Why?" I scowled. "And what do you want with me?"

Fanning his hands over the table he said. "Well tonight I wanted a simple date and to explain my actions to you but seems you have other plans".

He must be insane to think I'd feel comfortable in this situation. "Ha! I'm sorry but I don't believe you lock your date in a room then reveal to her that your her stalker. Sorry but I'm not seeing any fireworks here".

Simone rolled his eye's. "So American of you with all these dramatics."

"Oh I'm about to be very American when I shove my foot up your ass while singing the star spangled banner". I lashed out.

He grinned at my antics and suddenly looked very stern. In a serious tone he spoke. "Jacey come have a seat and let's talk. I promise when we are done I will take you home. Okay love?"

"I'm not your love". I spat but slowly found myself walking toward his memorizing eye's. I clumsily took my seat and waited.

Clasping his hands together on top of the table he began. "It started the day you stole the invitations. Those girls were purposely given those invites because I've been searching for them. My plan was to end it all that night but you and your friend's showed up in their place. Once I spotted you I knew something had went wrong. I assumed you worked for them and they sent you three instead to throw me off. I had you all researched to find out who you was. Those first several texts was to scare you but when it was confirmed you was innocent I was intrigued by you."

He paused and this gave me time to ask some questions. "What's so special about these girl's?"

A flicker of pain filtered through his eye's but vanished as quick as it had came. "I was in love once. Her name was Stacia and she was beautiful, smart, everything I ever wanted in a woman. After two year's of dating I asked for her hand in marriage. The day of our wedding we was attacked by a malitia group so to speak. Stacia was killed and those girl's are responsible".

"I'm so sorry". I sympathized. "But may I ask why you were attacked?"

Taking a deep breath he looked me in the eye's. His stare held a untold warning as he begin to speak. "Jacey I'm not a detective. It's all a ruse. It's how I get a lot of my information and stay a step ahead of the law. I'm trusting you with this so that says a lot about how I feel about you. My name is Steveno Geneive, Italian Mafia king."

I stared at him stupidly for a moment then burst out laughing. "Your fucking hilarious is what you are. Mafias died out years ago. Now take me home".

There was no exspression on his face, just stone cold. In the next instant he called out loudly in Italian. I don't know what he said but the door instantly burst open and in marched several scaring looking men dressed all in black with guns on the ready. I watched in horror as they surrounded me and I didn't know what to expect. I caught site of Staveno through the men and it was obvious he could read the fear on my face. With a flick of his wrist he called his men off and they left in the same manner they came.

With trembling hands I gripped my wine glass and gulped the bittersweet liquid down. Immediately I refilled my flute and swallowed the contents down. I needed liquid courage right now and lots of it. "Please Jacey, slow down". Staveno whispered.

Draining the last drop down I sat my glass down with a thump. "What the fuck was that?" I asked out loud.

Staveno grinned. "That is my men and they wasn't going to harm you... not unless I tell them to do so. Now where was we?"

"Y-you said you was mafia". I mumbled humbly.

"Right." He said calmly. "I'm  sure now you can guess what was going to happen to those women. The reason I wouldn't give you any info on me is because I'm considered dead to the cop's and most everyone. They think I was killed in the attack along with Stacia. I'm just working behind the scenes to exact my revenge. In other word's I'm a ghost. However i do believe that some of my enemies know I'm alive and hunt me. Which is why I could put you in danger just like I did Stacia."

"Then why not just leave me alone?" I asked pouring myself more wine.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I wonder that myself often and I have tried but I can't. You are the first woman I've had interest in since Stacia. I can't explain it but I know there's something here. I can feel it".

I shook my head no. "I'm sorry but I don't. Not after what you put me through". Then I leaned forward across the table and whispered hissed as if other's were in the room. "And you are the mafia". Hiccup.

Staveno smiled at my obvious drunken state. "Give it time Jacey and I promise you will feel it too."

"Uh-uh". I slurred out. "I'm not stupiddd".

"No but your drunk." He smirked. "What kind of person gets hammered on a first date?" He teased.

I laughed in my drunken state. "The kind who gets locked in a room with her stalker who then reveals he's a mafia Lord and has zillions of guns aimed at her nose. Yes, I actually need to be drunker at the moment".

"Come to me Jacey". He said in such a rich, seductive voice.

"No". I whispered back.

"Jacey". He said and I could feel my skin warm up by his voice alone. "You want to come to me. Give in to me love. You will be safe that's a promise".

It had to be the wine working on my brain causing me to not think clearly. That and my body suddenly having a mind of its on, but I found myself standing up. I held my glass in my hand loosely and the strap of my dress on my left shoulder slid down earning a growl from him. "Walk to me JJ". He coaxed.

I took a few unsteady steps toward him then stopped. "Closer Jacey". He said with a rumble in his chest.

I eventually found myself standing in front of him. He placed his large hands on my hips and stood. He towered over me by a good six inches and his body could envelope mine three time's. Picking a strawberry from the platter he dipped it in my wine glass then raised it to my lips. Staveno then proceeded to trial the wine induced strawberry across my lips. I caught my tounge slipping between my teeth to taste the sweetness. Staveno released a groan and instructed me to open my mouth. I found myself doing as he asked. Gently he placed the strawberry in my mouth and instead of biting into it I sucked it gently. His breath deepened at I finally bit into it sending a trail of juice dribbling down my chin. His mouth moved in quickly to clean the juice off. Once satisfied he pulled back a bit and placed the remaining piece of strawberry on his tounge and held it out to me indicating for me to eat it off his tounge.

Moving in slowly I slowly and inticeinly used my tounge to lap at the berry. After seconds of playing with him I placed my lips over his tounge and sucked gently.  As I started to pull away with the strawberry in my mouth his hand gripped the back of my neck as his arm snaked around my waist pulling me against him. In the next second his mouth slammed into mine. This kiss was ferocious and demanding. The strawberry twirled from my tounge to his relishing our tastebuds with it's sweetness.

Eventually he pulled away with the strawberry in his mouth. He smiled winningily at me and I went to smile back but was overcome with dizziness.  I placed my hands on his shoulders and fell against him out cold. The question was did the wine do this to me or his kiss?

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