Jeffrey's point of view

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"You can't tell anyone," I told Summer

"I know, just trust me." Summer replied

I was worried but I knew Summer wouldn't tell anyone. I went on the next couple of days doing the usual, hanging out with Summer and my other friends. So the next couple of days were fine until the day when my secret got out. I was walking to lunch as I always do, with all my friends, and we all went to our table. Summer and Faith went to hot lunch and while they were walking back, Faith pulled me aside.

"Are you gay?" Faith asked me.

"No, who told you that?"

"Summer, she also told me you like Michael."

"You can't tell anyone, you know our friends hate gay people."

"I promise I won't."

Well Faith lied. The next day at lunch, Faith had something to say.

"Jeffrey's gay," she told everyone.

"Ew gross," Said Breanna.

"Your disgusting you freak." Said Aaron

"You can't sit with us." Said Carissa.

Everyone agreed with Carissa so I walked away. I was on the verge of tears and Summer walked up to me.

"I'm so sorry Jeffrey, I didn't think Faith would tell anyone."

The word got out that I was gay, everyone knew. People started being really mean and I didn't have any friends because I was so mad at Summer that I couldn't talk to her.

"Go kill yourself," said a note left on my locker.

"No one likes you," said a kid walking by me.

Then the thing I feared the most came. Michael came up to me and told me he knew I liked him. I was so overwhelmed I went to the bathrooms and cried. Since my sister went to my school, she heard that I was gay and told my parents. My parents were very supportive but it didn't matter. I started getting depressed. I started cutting myself and taking pills. My parents found out and started taking be to therapy. It didn't help though, and I was only getting worse. Then I decided to do it.

When I got home I went into my bathroom and grabbed a bottle of ibuprofen. I poured out all the pills and took them three at a time. I went to my phone to send two more texts.

"I'm sorry I was so mean, I shouldn't have left you, but it doesn't matter now, soon I will be gone." I texted to Summer.

"I know you will never feel the same but I love you and I always will. You will never have to worry about me because soon I will be gone." I texted to Michael.

Summer must have told my parents because they suddenly came through the door.

The light was fading from my eyes.

"By mom and dad, I love you."

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