I knew I was wrong. I missed the best years of my kids lives. Missed being a family with them. I let their mother battle with raising them alone. Yes I helped financially, but a man living outside his family has no real idea what the costs are on the single mother. While Eve and I ate steaks on the weekends, my ex-wife was living on egg and toast, and do you know that she never complained?, She never demanded more money out of me, She never stopped me from seeing the kids, Never said no if I changed plans on her at the last minute. She gave up her weekends so that my mother could spend time with her grandchildren. She left me to get on with my life with Eve, even though it must have killed her.
Like any relationship, it had started out good, great in fact, but when it went bad I decided to leave. I walked out and divorced a woman who, and I can only see this now, would have done anything for me. But I'd told myself she wouldn't or couldn't.
My ex-wife stayed single for 8 years. She dated but never got serious. Her being single was also a kind of affirmation for me that no one wanted her, that everything I'd decided she lacked, so did other men. She actually stayed single to focus on our children.
Krótkie OpowiadaniaA man walked out on his family to do what he wanted but years later he realized what he'd done