Chapter Twelve

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My thirst was uncontrollable. It wasn't a hungry thirst nor was it a painful thirst. No, it was a thirst for revenge. Cody had set a trap and I fell right into it. If he was set up to betray me by somebody, I would shoot the messenger now and go after the somebody later. He would have had to have a choice, you always have a choice and his choice was to betray me. I was in no state to think clearly about anything but revenge.

To my surprise, Cody hands came up to his head to crack his neck back into place. There was a harsh snapping noise when he turned his head, making the bones that were broken, crack back into the way it was before. His eyes were dull, even glazed over with white, like he was rearranging his neck by instinct. Did breaking a vampire's neck not kill one? What did kill a vampire then? I don't care. I will rip his stupid head from his stupid shoulders. I thought.

Finally, Cody blinked and looked my way with eyes of fear. He stood carefully and slowly, letting the walls broken prices fall behind him. I hissed again and stalked my way back over to him. He used his speed to dart away from me to across the hall with his hands up in a none threatening manner. I roared again and grabbed his collar before he could run away again and then I bit him. 

I ripped out a chunk of body before going back in for another bite. His blood tasted of vinegar but I didn't care. I take another mouthful of his blood and swallowed it before ripping into his shoulder again. It wasn't until I was halfway down Cody's arm that someone grabbed me. I fought to get back to destroying the betrayer but the arms that held me were firm and not letting go no matter what I tried.

"Rosie!" Elija shouted my name with horror hidden in his tone. I shook my head and bite his arm. 

Elija released me and I took the chance to dart back to Cody who was shaking while holding his gaping wounds.

By now a crowd of vampires surrounded us, and I started to calm down. My blood lust for revenge was dying and I didn't know why. I was still angry with him, I still wanted revenge but the feelings of revenge were dimming down to a simple question. What did I get out of killing Cody?

As I came down from the high of blood I realized that Cody was just a trigger. That I was still hurt. That I was sad that I was turned. That I was looking for answers in all the wrong places. I needed to know why I was turned. Why was I the punishment? What did Elija do?

I turned to Elija, he is kneeling behind me with outreached arms and quickly grabbed me. He pulled me behind him with a dark look, just as one of the men from my turning came into view. It was Jayson. Jayson was an intimidating vampire, with his honey brown hair styled with that I-just-got-out-of-bed look and his eyes, were the most pale-less gold I had ever seen. 

He was toned and small shouldered, strutting a black t-shirt and black skinny jeans, making me feel insecure about my own looks and what I was wearing. The only thing that was not so intimidating about Jayson was his height. He was far shorter than nearly every vampire in the crowd, beside me, who was the only one who was now covered in black blood and a over-sized shirt with Elija's arm wrapped around the back of him to hold me to his back protectively. Jayson looked at the scene before him with a frown.

"What happened here?" Jayson asked pointedly at me, like he was expecting to get a answer. I opened my mouth to speak but no words would form on my tongue. Elija tightened his grip on me and started to speak. 

"It was my fault. Your nephew was pissing me off so I attacked him. I will accept any and all punishment for this incident."

That was a lame excuse and I would be amazed if Jayson believed it.

The Eternal Youth: Blood Bond (Draft copy only: Published 2017)Where stories live. Discover now