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We call
Our own

Anne woke up again to Phillips kisses on her shoulder, prodding her awake. Just like she had woken up to two weeks ago.

The difference this time was the area. Anne happily opened her eyes, staring up at the ceiling. She still hadn't gotten used to waking up and having the ceiling being so far from her face.

Phillip and Anne had been living in their new home for about a week now. They were still technically on their honeymoon for another day before they had to return to the circus.

The warmth of Phillips lips on Anne's neck gave her shivers.

"I'm sad." Anne declared.

Phillip stopped, pulling away from her and tucked an elbow under his pillow propping his head up. His face shifted from comfort to concern in an instant. "What is it?"

Anne smiled, cheekily. "This is our last day before we go back to the circus,"

His face washed with relief at her answer. "Then let's make the most of it."

His lips tackled her neck again traveling up to nibble on her earlobe. Anne ran her hand up his bare arm and down his chest, smoking to herself.

Interrupting their bliss, there was a knock on the door that startled them both.

Anne gave Phillip a questioning look that he was returning to her.

"Were you expecting anyone?" Anne asked.

Phillip shook his head. "It's probably Barnum. Ignore it."

Anne shook her head trying not to think of her boss during her last day completely alone with Phillip. She kisses him on the lips pushing torrid thoughts away.

The knock returned.

Phillip groaned and pulled away from Anne.

"That's definitely Barnum," he grumbled.

Anne frowned as she followed phillip in getting out of bed and dressing in day clothes. She let Phillip go ahead of her to answer the door as it took her a few extra minutes to get dressed every morning.

As Anne finished combing her hair and danced down the stairs in jolly mood, she head two familiar voices. One belonging to her husband and the other belonging to someone that was not P.T. Barnum.

As Anne got closer to the voices she realized who the owner of the second familiar voice was.

"I'm sorry to bother you, sir." Said the second voice. "But is this the residence of Anne Wheeler?"

"Andrew?" Anne said running up from behind Phillip and jumping into the strangers arms.

"Annie!" The man celebrated. As he twirled her around in a tight embrace.

The stranger was a colored man who had clearly traveled a long way to be here but carried no bags. He was dressed in casual, worn down, dull and very simple clothing.

"What are you doing here?" Anne asked with a big smile after he set her on the ground again.

"I had to see you." He answered. "I missed you so much, Anne."

"I missed you to." She whispered, faintly. Clearly the thought of him was making her upset. "How's you get away?"

He shook his head. "Anne, your parents-"

"Don't." She stopped him. "I know."

He nodded. He bent his head down and that when andrew's eye caught on something bright and shimmering, staring him right in his face.

"What is this?" He gawked, grabbing her left hand and pointing to the ring around her finger.

Anne blushed. "How rude of me!"

She glanced back at Phillip who was standing very still behind her and had been listening to their entire conversation.

"Andrew, this is my husband, Phillip Carlyle."

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