The Nerd (G!P Ally/You)

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Ally's POV

Her name is Y/N she is the nerd of the school but she is completely gorgeous, she has bright blue eyes that sparkle everything someone mentions her favourite fandom and her black hair flows down passed her shoulder and down to the middle of her back. But the only problem is she is a nerd and I am one of the popular kids. The other problem people in my group kind of bullies her.

My group is Lauren Jauregui known as the badass of the group then there is Dinah and she is the muscle next is Normani she is the dancer and she will not be afraid to say what everyone thinks of you and lastly there is me I'm known as the sunshine of the group but lately I don't feel very sunshiny.

Right now the girls and I are walking though the halls of our high school when we saw Y/N getting things out of her locker. She looks like an angel, "Hey Pipsqueak!" Dinah slammed her locker, "please just leave me alone." Dinah shoved against the locker, "don't tell me what to do you fucking slut you're nothing!" Dinah now had her off the ground, "I'm not a slut."

I swear I have never seen Dinah act so violently, she threw Y/N to the ground and got on top of her. The girls and I just stood there in shock as Dinah was beating the crap out of Y/N. "DINAH!" We yelled and I tried to pull her off but before I could even blink Dinah pushed me so hard the back of my head slammed into the locker. "ALLY!" Lauren and Normani came over to me to see my blonde hair going blood red. The world started to become blurry, "Lo I don't feel well." Before she could answer I blacked out.

When I woke up I saw the girls were around me, "Ally I am so sorry I was just so focus on her I didn't even care if I hurt anyone else." I looked next to me and there is Y/N who is hooked up to twice as many machines as me, "why do you hate her so much?" Dinah froze, "back in first year we were a couple and she cheated on me with a girl whose name is Camila Cabello she moved away a year before you arrived. Y/N kept saying that she didn't want to that Camila raped her but she was lying because Camila was with Lucy doing a group project and if you were telling the truth why would you not come to school for a year for you were innocent."

I frowned, "but didn't you say Lucy finished in 2012?" Dinah nod, "but that's a year before you started to date." Dinah started to think about it and after about 5 mins she paled. "Oh fuck," I sighed and a older lady came in with a toddler maybe 4 years old. "Oh god," the women started to cry out. The child looked to Y/N, "mummy wake up this not funny why nana cry." The woman pulled up a chair and sat him on it, "you did this didn't you! You couldn't leave her alone could you!" Dinah was about to talk but her head already flew to the side as the women slapped her.

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"I'm sorry okay I didn't know that I could take it that far I was just in the heat of the moment," the woman turned red. "If she doesn't make it through this I am going to kill you for taking away my little sister and his mother," the little boy got off the chair and walked over to his mother. "Mummy please wake up Aunty Sammy mad and scary," I awed at him. "Come here little one," he walked over to me. "Do you know mummy?" I picked him up and put him on my lap, "yes I do know you mummy she is an amazing person." He smiled, "what you name?" "Ally and yours?" He looked to the Sammy girl and she nod, "Chris."

I smiled, "that an awesome name." He giggled and we heard a groan from the bed beside me, "MUMMY!" Chris yelled and Y/N shot up causing her to let out a sound of pain. "Y/N/N!" Sammy ran to her sister while I slowly got up out of bed with him in my eyes. "Ally what are you doing with my son," I blushed a bit. "I was talking to him you've done a wonderful job with him he is the most amazing child I've had the pleasure of meeting."

She blushed and took her son out of my arms, "mummy why you sleeping?" She looked over to my side of the room and at Dinah, "because mummy was very tried from last night's tag game but we had fun playing tag didn't we?" He clapped his heads, "mummy we play tag with Ally?" I smiled, "I will if your mummy will let me." Chris looked at his mother with the cutest puppy dog eyes that I've ever seen, "okay but you have to go with Aunty Sammy right now so mummy can talk with Ally okay."

He nods and held his arms out for Sammy, "I'll go get a doctor and the paperwork." Y/N nods and both leave the room, "don't ever do that again Dinah. I've already lost my parents don't make Chris lose his." Dinah looked to her feet and was going to say something but Y/N spoke first, "just leave Dinah and the rest of you leave as well you've done enough for today." Dinah, Lauren and Normani left but as soon as I got to the door she said, "not you we need to talk."

I sat on her bed, "why did you talk to Chris Ally?" I grabbed her hand, "look Y/N I have had a crush on you since I first came to the school but back then I couldn't tell her because I was a scaredy cat. But now I have finally got the guts to tell you and if you don't feel the same way that's fine I leave you alone and the girls will never bother you ever again." I looked to my lap, "but what would happen if I want you to stay?"

I looked up at her and smiled, "then I will stay." She lean forward and lightly pressed her lips on mine. The kiss lasted for a few seconds the we broke a part, "so how about I take you out say this Friday?" She looked to me then to the door, "but what about-" "Chris can come to I'd love to see more of him her seems like a good kid." She smiled, "then it's a date."

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